The role of private consultants in vertebrate pest problems in Canada
Alsager, D. E.
An in depth look at the principal requirements of an orderly and systematic approach to vertebrate pest problems in Canada is presented (Part I) as a prerequisite to a proposed theoretical model illustrating the involvement of various agencies. A model depicting how these agencies could best utilize their available resources towards the development of improved vertebrate pest control technology is presented in Part II. The involvement of private consultants in vertebrate pestology is relatively new (and perhaps unappreciated), yet offers substantial potential in the development of selected facets of the vertebrate pest field. The proposed roles of other agencies are discussed with respect to advantages of improved co-ordination of effort, and the increased utilization of private consultants. Congruent with revised National Science Policies, predictions are offered regarding the importance of future expansion of industrial involvement (manufacturers, private consultants, private testing and research laboratories and others) in research and development of vertebrate pest control. Although the program requirements and proposed administrative model for a vertebrate pest control program pertain to the situation in Canada, the general principles lend themselves to application elsewhere.