Written Informed Consent for Computed Tomography of the Abdomen/Pelvis is Associated with Decreased CT Utilization in Low-Risk Emergency Department Patients
Merck, Lisa H.; Ward, Laura A.; Applegate, Kimberly E.; Choo, Esther; Lowery-North, Douglas W.; Heilpern, Katherine L.
Introduction: The increasing rate of patient exposure to radiation from computerized tomography (CT) raises questions about appropriateness of utilization. There is no current standard to employ informed consent for CT (ICCT). Our study assessed the relationship between informed consent and CT utilization in emergency department (ED) patients.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Merck, Lisa H.; Ward, Laura A.; Applegate, Kimberly E.; Choo, Esther; Lowery-North, Douglas W.; Heilpern, Katherine L.