Access to In-Network Emergency Physicians and Emergency Departments Within Federally Qualified Health Plans in 2015
Dorner, Stephen C.; Camargo, Jr., Carlos A.; Schuur, Jeremiah D.; Raja, Ali S.
Introduction: Under regulations established by the Affordable Care Act, insurance plans must meet minimum standards in order to be sold through the federal Marketplace. These standards to become a qualified health plan (QHP) include maintaining a provider network sufficient to assure access to services. However, the complexity of emergency physician (EP) employment practices - in which the EPs frequently serve as independent contractors of emergency departments, independently establish insurance contracts, etc... - and regulations governing insurance repayment may hinder the application of network adequacy standards to emergency medicine. As such, we hypothesized the existence of QHPs without in-network access to EPs. The objective is to identify whether there are QHPs without in-network access to EPs using information available through the federal Marketplace and publicly available provider directories.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Dorner, Stephen C.; Camargo, Jr., Carlos A.; Schuur, Jeremiah D.; Raja, Ali S.