Loaded Questions: Internet Commenters' Opinions on Physician-Patient Firearm Safety Conversations
Knoepke, Christopher E.; Allen, Amanda; Ranney, Megan L.; Wintemute, Garen J.; Matlock, Daniel D.; Betz, Marian E.
Introduction: Medical and public health societies advocate that healthcare providers (HCPs) counselat-risk patients to reduce firearm injury risk. Anonymous online media comments often contain extremeviewpoints and may therefore help in understanding challenges of firearm safety counseling. To helpinform injury prevention efforts, we sought to examine commenters' stated opinions regarding firearmsafety counseling HCPs.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Knoepke, Christopher E.; Allen, Amanda; Ranney, Megan L.; Wintemute, Garen J.; Matlock, Daniel D.; Betz, Marian E.