Emergency Department Use across 88 Small Areas after Affordable Care Act Implementation in Illinois
Feinglass, Joe; Cooper, Andrew J.; Rydland, Kelsey; Powel, Emile S.; McHugh, Megan; Kang, Raymond; Dresden, Scott M.
Introduction: This study analyzes changes in hospital emergency department (ED) visit ratesbefore and after the 2014 Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance expansions in Illinois. We comparethe association between population insurance status change and ED visit rate change between a24-month (2012-2013) pre-ACA period and a 24-month post-ACA (2014-2015) period across 88socioeconomically diverse areas of Illinois.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Feinglass, Joe; Cooper, Andrew J.; Rydland, Kelsey; Powel, Emile S.; McHugh, Megan; Kang, Raymond; Dresden, Scott M.