Prevalence of Intracranial Hemorrhage after Blunt Head Trauma in Patients on Pre-injury Dabigatran
Chenoweth, James A.; Johnson, M. Austin; Shook, Laura; Sutter, Mark E.; Nishijima, Daniel K.; Holmes, James F.
Introduction: Dabigatran etexilate was the first direct-acting oral anticoagulant approved in the UnitedStates. The prevalence of intracranial hemorrhage after blunt head trauma in patients on dabigatranis currently unknown, complicating adequate ability to accurately compare the risks and benefitsof dabigatran to alternative anticoagulants. We aimed to determine the prevalence of intracranialhemorrhage for patients on dabigatran presenting to a Level I trauma center.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Chenoweth, James A.; Johnson, M. Austin; Shook, Laura; Sutter, Mark E.; Nishijima, Daniel K.; Holmes, James F.