Targeted Simulation-based Leadership Training for Trauma Team Leaders
Rosenman, Elizabeth D.; Vrablik, Marie C.; Brolliar, Sarah M.; Chipman, Anne K.; Fernandez, Rosemarie
Introduction: Effective team leadership is linked to better teamwork, which in turn is believed to improve patientcare. Simulation-based training provides a mechanism to develop effective leadership behaviors. Traditionally, healthcare curricula have included leadership as a small component of broader teamwork training, with very few examples of leadership-focused curricula. The objective of this work is to describe a novel simulation-basedteam leadership curriculum that easily adapts to individual learners.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Rosenman, Elizabeth D.; Vrablik, Marie C.; Brolliar, Sarah M.; Chipman, Anne K.; Fernandez, Rosemarie