Challenges Related to the Implementation of an EMS-Administered, Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Score
Lawner, Benjamin J.; Szabo, Kelly; Daly, Jonathan; Foster, Krista M.; McCoy, Philip; Poliner, David; Poremba, Matthew; Nawrocki, Philip S.; Rahangdale, Rahul
Introduction: There is considerable interest in triaging victims of large vessel occlusion (LVO) strokes to comprehensive stroke centers. Timely access to interventional therapy has been linked to improved stroke outcomes. Accurate triage depends upon the use of a validated screening tool in addition to several emergency medical system (EMS)-specific factors. This study examines the integration of a modified Rapid Arterial oCcclusion Evaluation (mRACE) score into an existing stroke treatment protocol.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Lawner, Benjamin J.; Szabo, Kelly; Daly, Jonathan; Foster, Krista M.; McCoy, Philip; Poliner, David; Poremba, Matthew; Nawrocki, Philip S.; Rahangdale, Rahul