Descriptive Analysis of Extubations Performed in an Emergency Department-based Intensive Care Unit
Haas, Nathan L.; Larabell, Patrick; Schaeffer, William; Hoch, Victoria; Arribas, Miguel; Melvin, Amanda C.; Laurinec, Stephanie L.; Bassin, Benjamin S.
Introduction: Extubation of appropriate patients in the emergency department (ED) may be a strategy to avoid preventable or short-stay intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, and could allow for increased ventilator and ICU bed availability when demand outweighs supply. Extubation is infrequently performed in the ED, and a paucity of outcome data exists. Our objective was to descriptively analyze characteristics and outcomes of patients extubated in an ED-ICU setting.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Haas, Nathan L.; Larabell, Patrick; Schaeffer, William; Hoch, Victoria; Arribas, Miguel; Melvin, Amanda C.; Laurinec, Stephanie L.; Bassin, Benjamin S.