Operative Hysteroscopy Intravascular Absorption Syndrome Causing Hyponatremia with Associated Cerebral and Pulmonary Edema
Elegante, Marco F.; Hamera, Joseph A.; Xiao, Jane; Berger, David A.
Operative hysteroscopy intravascular absorption syndrome is an iatrogenic syndrome caused by absorption of hypo-osmolar distension medium during hysteroscopy, which can lead to rapid hyponatremia with resulting cerebral and pulmonary edema. We present a case of a 47-year-old female who underwent hysteroscopic myomectomy at an outpatient ambulatory surgical center who was brought to the emergency department with dyspnea, hypoxia, and altered mental status. Workup showed hyponatremia with cerebral edema on computed tomography of the head and pulmonary edema on chest radiograph. The patient improved after resuscitation with intravenous saline and supplemental oxygen, and she was discharged home the next day.
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
Elegante, Marco F.; Hamera, Joseph A.; Xiao, Jane; Berger, David A.