Weber B Distal Fibular Fracture Diagnosed by Point-of-care Ultrasound
Makinen, James; Koehler, Jessica; Tirgari, Sam; Amponsah, David
We report the case of a 45-year-old woman who presented to the emergency department (ED)after an acute ankle inversion injury. After history and physical exam suggested a potential fracture,point- of-care ultrasound (POCUS) demonstrated a cortical defect of the distal fibula, consistentwith fracture. Plain radiography failed to demonstrate a fracture. Later, the fracture was identifiedas a Weber B distal fibular fracture by stress-view radiography. This case reviews the evaluation ofacute ankle injuries in the ED and the utility of POCUS as a supplemental imaging modality in theevaluation of ankle fracture.
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
Makinen, James; Koehler, Jessica; Tirgari, Sam; Amponsah, David