Late onset nevus comedonicus of scalp: a rare site for an uncommon condition
Mathachan, Sinu Rose; Arora, Pooja; Ahuja, Arvind; Gautam, Ram Kishan
Nevus comedonicus is an uncommon hamartoma of the pilosebaceous unit characterized by keratin filled pits simulating open comedones. It may present at birth but is more commonly seen during childhood or adolescence. The most commonly affected sites are the face, neck, trunk, and arms with a few reported cases on palms, genitalia, and scalp. We report a case of a 19-year old woman with nevus comedonicus of the scalp that appeared in adolescence. This case has been presented for its sheer rarity, atypical site, and classic appearance.
Dermatology Online Journal
Mathachan, Sinu Rose; Arora, Pooja; Ahuja, Arvind; Gautam, Ram Kishan