Malignancy-associated Sweet syndrome: acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis associated with recurrence of metastatic cervical cancer
Clark, Ashley K; Sarcon, Annahita K; Fung, Maxwell A Fung A; Konia, Thomas; Laurin, Erik G; Sivamani, Raja K
We present a rare case of acute febrile neutrophilicdermatosis, also known as Sweet syndrome,associated with recurrence of metastatic cervicalcancer. This report highlights similar reports andserves as an important reminder of the relationshipbetween Sweet syndrome and cervical cancer.Increasing awareness of Sweet syndrome assistsclinicians in recognizing characteristic findings andencourages evaluation of patients for new-onsetor recurrent neoplastic disease. Additionally, wediscuss the typical presentation of the syndrome, theproper workup and treatment, and a common pitfallencountered in the diagnosis of Sweet syndrome.
Dermatology Online Journal
Clark, Ashley K; Sarcon, Annahita K; Fung, Maxwell A Fung A; Konia, Thomas; Laurin, Erik G; Sivamani, Raja K