Proceedings of a conference on "Potentialities for Knowledge in Social Science," held at the University of Chicago, Sept. 11-14, 1983.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 371-377).
Introduction : uneasy social science / Richard A. Shweder and Donald W. Fiske -- Three scientific world views and the covering law model / Roy D'Andrade -- Generalization and the social psychology of "other worlds" / Philip E. Converse -- Specificity of method and knowledge in social science / Donald W. Fiske -- Social inquiry by and for earthlings / Lee J. Cronbach -- Science's social system of validity-enhancing collective belief change and the problems of the social sciences / Donald T. Campbell -- Correspondence versus autonomy in the language of understanding human action / Kenneth J. Gergen --Divergent rationalities / Richard A. Shweder -- Explanation in the social sciences and in life situations / Paul F. Secord -- Some uses and misuses of the social sciences in medicine / Arthur Kleinman -- Social measurement as the creation of expert systems / Aaron V. Cicourel.
The forms and functions of social knowledge / Donald N. Levine -- Non-linear behavior / Frank M. Richter -- Heuristics and the study of human behavior / William C. Wimsatt -- What social scientists don't understand / Paul E. Meehl -- Philosophy of science and the potentials for knowledge in the social sciences / Alexander Rosenberg -- Similarity and collaboration within the sciences / Philip S. Holzman -- Two extremes on the social science commitment continuum / Barbara Frankel -- Pluralisms and subjectivities / Donald W. Fiske and Richard A. Shweder.