Tobacco use and its consequences: Global patterns of smoking and smoking-atttibutable mortality. Poverty and smoking. Estimating the costs of tobacco use -- Analytics of tobacco use: The economics of addiction. A welfare analysis of tobacco use. The economic rationale for intervention in the tobacco market -- Demand for tobacco: Consumer information and tobacco use. Tobacco advertising and promotion. The taxation of tobacco products. Clean indoor-air laws and youth access restriction. Smoking cessation and nicotine-replacement therapies -- Supply of tobacco: The supply-side effects of toabcco-control policies. The impact of trade liberalization on tobacco consumption. How big is the worldwide cigarette-smuggling problem? Issues in the smuggling of tobacco products -- Policy directions: The design, administration, and potential revenue of tobacco excises. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of price increases and other tobacco-control policies. Strategic priorities in tobacco control for governments and international agencies.
"This book brings together a set of critical reviews of current knowledge on the economics to tobacco control. It is intended to provide a comprehensive evidence-base for the design of effective policies in any country, with an emphasis on the needs of developing countries."--Jacket.