Foundational Knowledge for Occupational Therapy for Children. An overview of occupational therapy for children / Jane Case-Smith -- Foundations for occupational therapy practice with children / Jane Case-Smith, Mary Law, Cheryl Missiuna, Nancy Pollock, Debra Stewart -- Development of childhood occupations / Jane Case-Smith -- In transition to adulthood: the occupations and performance skills of adolescents / Kerryellen Vroman -- Working with families / Lynn Jaffe, Ruth Humphry, Jane Case-Smith -- Common conditions that influence children's participation / Sandra L. Rogers -- Occupational Therapy Evaluation in Pediatrics. Purposes, processes, and methods of evaluation / Katherine B. Stewart -- Use of standardized tests in pediatric practice / Pamela K. Richardson -- Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas. Application of motor control/motor learning to practice / Jane O'Brien, Harriet Williams -- Evaluation and intervention to develop hand skills / Charlotte Exner -- Sensory integration / L. Diane Parham, Zoe Mailloux -- Visual perception / Colleen M. Schneck -- Psychosocial issues affecting social participation / Debora A. Davidson -- Interventions and strategies for challenging behaviors / Renee Watling -- Feeding intervention / Linda M. Schuberth, Lauren M. Amirault, Jane Case-Smith -- Activities of daily living / Jayne Shepherd -- Instrumental activities of daily living and community participation / Kathryn M. Loukas, M. Louise Dunn -- Play / Susan H. Knox -- Prewriting and handwriting skills / Colleen M. Schneck, Susan J. Amundson -- Influencing participation through assistive technology / Judith Schoonover, Rebecca E. Argabrite Grove, Yvonne Swinth -- Mobility / Christine Wright-Ott -- Areas of Occupational Therapy Services. Neonatal intensive care unit / Jan G. Hunter -- Early intervention / Christine Teeters Myers, Linda Stephens, Susan Tauber -- School-based occupational therapy / Susan Bazyk, Jane Case-Smith -- Services for children with visual or hearing impairments / Elizabeth Russel, Patricia S. Negaishi -- Hospital and pediatric rehabilitation services / Brian J. Dudgeon, Laura Crooks -- Transition services: from school to adult life / Karen C. Spencer.
The sixth edition of this text maintains its focus on children from infancy to adolescence and gives comprehensive coverage of both conditions and intervention techniques in all settings. Inside there are new author contributions, new research and theories, new techniques, and current trends to keep you in step with the changes in pediatric OT practice. This edition provides an even stronger focus on evidence based practice, with the addition of key research notes and explanations of the research basis for specific interventions.