7.1 In-Situ Alloying ofTitanium-Tantalum using Selective Laser Melting7.1.1 Formation ofBulk Titanium-Tantalum Using Selective Laser Melting; 7.1.2 Formation ofLattice Structures Using Selective Laser Melting; 7.2 Future Work; 7.2.1 Development ofTitanium-Tantalum Using Selective Laser Melting; 7.2.2 Thermal Modelling ofSelective Laser Melting; 7.2.3 In Vitro andIn Vivo Biocompatibility Tests forScaffolds Fabricated bySelective Laser Melting
This book investigates the microstructural and mechanical properties of titanium-tantalum (TiTa) alloy formed using selective laser melting (SLM). TiTa has potential orthopaedic biomedical applications thanks to its high strength to modulus ratio. However, because it is difficult to obtain, it is still not widely used. The book describes how SLM is utilized to form this alloy, and provides a better understanding of the SLM process in porous lattice structure fabrication and its control through statistical modelling.