Computer vision and audition in urban analysis using the remorph framework /
Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Samaneh Shahbazi, Nashid Nabian.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Studies in systems, decision and control ;
volume 192 Plot Green Per Capita with Respect to Zoom Level and Select the Most Fitness Line
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; About This Book; Remorph: A Framework for Application of Computer Vision and Audition in Urban Analysis; Contents; About the Authors; Abbreviations; List of Figures; 1 Application of AI in Urban Design; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Book Structure; 1.3 Situating the Question in the General Field of Inquiry; 1.4 Remorph as an Analytical Tool for Urban Studies; 1.4.1 Computer Vision and Its Application in Urban Planning and Design; 1.4.2 A Brief History of Computer Audition and Its Application in Urban Planning and Design
1.4.3 A Brief History of Data Visualization in Urban Planning and Design1.4.4 A Brief History of City as a Cybernetic Mechanism and Application of Data-Driven Analysis in Urban Planning and Design; 2 Computer Audition in Urban Studies: Theory, Techniques and Rules of Application; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Disambiguation; 2.3 Finding a Question, Identifying Perfect Strategy of Auditory Data Collection and Urban Sonification; 2.3.1 Single Sensor; 2.3.2 Multi Array of Sensors; 2.3.3 Pointwise Sound Acquisition; 2.3.4 Linear Sound Acquisition
2.4 Understanding Theory, Techniques and Rules of Producing Urban Soundscapes2.4.1 Spatial Soundscapes; 2.4.2 Temporal Soundscapes; 2.5 Understanding Theory, Techniques and Rules of Audio-Metrication; 2.5.1 Pitch Extraction Techniques; Neural Network Pitch Detection; YAAPT Pitch Detection; LPC Pitch Detection; Autocorrelation Pitch Detection; Cepstral Pitch Detection; Dynamic Time Warping; 2.5.2 Melody; 2.5.3 Spectrogram; 2.6 Understanding Theory, Techniques and Rules of Soundscape Analysis
2.7 Understanding Theory, Techniques and Rules of Sound-Scape Representation (Citygrams)2.7.1 Preprocessing Phase; 2.7.2 Acoustic Feature Extraction; 2.7.3 Acoustic Feature Modelling; 2.8 Urban Audio Processing; 2.9 Audio Segmentation; 2.10 Audio Classification; 2.11 Melodification; 2.12 Conclusion; 3 Computer Vision in Urban Studies: Theory, Techniques and Rules of Application; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Disambiguation; 3.3 What Is Computer Vision; 3.4 Brief History of Computer Vision; 3.5 Introduction to Various Techniques of Computer Vision; 3.5.1 Blob Detection; 3.5.2 Shape Detection
3.5.3 Color Detection3.5.4 Tracking; 3.5.5 Size Detection; 3.5.6 Identity Detection; 3.5.7 Filtering; 3.6 Kmeans Clustering; 3.7 Overall Approach; 3.7.1 Green Detection; Extract the Official Boundary of the City in Terms of Longitudes and Latitudes; Compute the Region of Interest (ROI); Segmented the Overall Space of the City into Series of the High Resolution Images; Compute the Green Area of the Masked Aerial Images Separately; Calculate the Overall Green Per Capita and Convert Zoom Level to Square Meter
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is penetrating in all sciences as a multidisciplinary approach. However, adopting the theory of AI including computer vision and computer audition to urban intellectual space, is always difficult for architecture and urban planners. This book overcomes this challenge through a conceptual framework by merging computer vision and audition to urban studies based on a series of workshops called Remorph, conducted by Tehran Urban Innovation Center (TUIC).
Springer Nature
Computer Vision and Audition in Urban Analysis Using the Remorph Framework.