Analysis and Synthesis of Delta Operator Systems with Actuator Saturation /
Hongjiu Yang, Yuanqing Xia and Qing Geng.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Studies in systems, decision and control ;
Volume 193
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Symbols and Acronyms; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Background; 1.2 Development Status; 1.3 Problems Studied in This Book; 1.3.1 Basic Analysis; 1.3.2 Enlarging the DoA; 1.3.3 Performance Analysis; 1.3.4 Synthesis for Typical Systems; 1.3.5 Applications in Complicated Systems; 1.4 Conclusion; Part I Basic Analysis; 2 Estimation of Null Controllable Region; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries; 2.3 General Description of Null Controllable Region; 2.3.1 Extremes and Boundary of Null Controllable Region; 2.3.2 Only Existence Real Eigenvalues
2.3.3 Existence Complex Eigenvalues2.4 Numerical Examples; 2.5 Conclusion; 3 Stabilization on Null Controllable Region; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries; 3.3 Main Results; 3.3.1 Stable Equilibrium Points; 3.3.2 Global Stabilization; 3.3.3 Semi-global Stabilization; 3.3.4 Results on Higher-Order Systems; 3.4 Numerical Examples; 3.5 Conclusion; 4 Practical Stabilization on Null Controllable Region; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries; 4.3 Main Results; 4.3.1 Properties of the DoA; 4.3.2 Practical Stabilization of Planar Systems
4.3.3 Results on Higher-Order Systems4.4 Numerical Example; 4.5 Conclusions; 5 Estimation of the DoA and Disturbance Rejection; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries; 5.3 Estimation of the DoA; 5.3.1 A Condition for Set Invariance; 5.3.2 Results on Single Input Systems; 5.3.3 Estimation of the DoA; 5.4 Disturbance Rejection with Stability; 5.4.1 Conditions for Set Invariance; 5.4.2 Disturbance Rejection with Guaranteed the DoA; 5.5 Numerical Examples; 5.6 Conclusion; Part II Enlarging the DoA; 6 A Lifting Technique for Sampling Periods; 6.1 Introduction
6.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries6.3 Main Results; 6.3.1 Estimating the DoA; 6.3.2 Enlarging the DoA; 6.4 Numerical Example; 6.5 Conclusion; 7 Analysis for Nested Actuator Saturation; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries; 7.3 Main Results; 7.3.1 A Condition for Set Invariance; 7.3.2 Estimation of the DoA; 7.3.3 Controller Design; 7.4 Numerical Example; 7.5 Conclusion; 8 Saturation-Dependent Lyapunov Function; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Problem Statement; 8.3 Main Results; 8.3.1 Stability Analysis; 8.3.2 Estimation of the DoA
8.3.3 Saturation-Independent Lyapunov Function8.4 Numerical Example; 8.5 Conclusion; 9 Monotonicity and Parametric Riccati Equation; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Problem Statement; 9.3 Main Results; 9.3.1 Analytic Approximation; 9.3.2 Monotonicity; 9.4 Numerical Examples; 9.5 Conclusion; Part III Performance Analysis; 10 Semi-global Stabilization with Regional Performance; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries; 10.3 Enlargement of the DoA; 10.4 Semi-global Stabilization; 10.4.1 Design a Sequence of Ellipsoids; 10.4.2 Results for Traditional Systems; 10.5 Numerical Example
This book presents basic research on delta operator systems (DOS) with actuator saturation. It proposes null controllable regions of delta operator systems, introduces the enlarging of the domain of attraction and analyzes the performance of DOSs subject to actuator saturation. It also discusses the domain of attraction on different systems in delta domain, and investigates the applications in complicated systems using delta operator approaches.
Springer Nature
Analysis and Synthesis of Delta Operator Systems with Actuator Saturation.