Intro; Volume Editorial Committee; Preface; Contents; About the Editors; The Homotopy Type of the Loops on (n-1)-Connected (2n+1)-Manifolds; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Organization of the Paper; 2 Quadratic Associative Algebras and Lie Algebras; 2.1 Koszul Duality of Associative Algebras; 2.2 Lie Algebras and Quadratic Algebras; 2.3 Bases of Quadratic Lie Algebras; 3 Examples of Quadratic Algebras Coming from Manifolds; 4 Computation of Homotopy Groups in the Torsion-Free Case; 5 Loop Space Decompositions; References; Whitehead's Asphericity Question and Its Relation to Other Open Problems
10 Application to the Loop Space of a Finite CW ComplexReferences; Homological Infinity of 4D Universe for Every 3-Manifold; 1 Introduction; 2 Examples on Distinctions of a 4D Punctured Universe and 4D Universes; 3 Independence on Some Topological Indexes of a 4D Universe and a 4D Punctured Universe; 4 A 4D Full Universe Obtained by a Collision Modification of the Spherical Shell; 5 A Non-compact Version of the Signature Theorem for an Infinite Cyclic Covering; 6 Infinities on the Topological Indexes of a 4D Universe and a 4D Punctured Universe
This book highlights the latest advances in algebraic topology, from homotopy theory, braid groups, configuration spaces and toric topology, to transformation groups and the adjoining area of knot theory. It consists of well-written original research papers and survey articles by subject experts, most of which were presented at the "7th East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology" held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali, Punjab, India, from December 1 to 6, 2017. Algebraic topology is a broad area of mathematics that has seen enormous developments over the past decade, and as such this book is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers working in the field.
Springer Nature
Algebraic topology, Congresses.
Functional analysis, Congresses.
Algebraic Topology.
Functional Analysis.
Algebraic topology.
Functional analysis.
Singh, Mahender
Song, Yongjin
Wu, Jie,1964-
East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology(7th :2017 :, Mohali, India)