proceedings of Chinese Materials Conference 2018 /
edited by Yafang Han.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Springer proceedings in physics,
volume 217
0930-8989 ;
Includes index.
International conference proceedings.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Extruded and Aged Mg-4Zn-2Al-2Sn-(0.6Mn) Alloy; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental Procedure; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 The Microstructures of the ZAT422 and ZATM4220 Alloys; 3.2 The Mechanical Properties of the As-extruded and As-aged ZAT422 and ZATM4220 Alloys; 4 Conclusions; References; Microstructural Evolution of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Aluminum Alloy During an Optimized Two-Step Homogenization Treatment; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental Procedure; 3 Results and Discussion; 4 Conclusions; References
3.2 Vickers Hardness3.3 Microstructure; 3.4 Textures; 4 Conclusion; References; Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Ti-Al-Sn-Zr-Mo-Nb-W-Si High-Temperature Titanium Alloy; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Microstructures After Different Heat Treatments; 3.2 Mechanical Properties After Different Heat Treatment; 4 Conclusions; References; Optimization of Cold-Rolling-Stabilization Process for High Mg-Containing Al Alloy; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental; 2.1 Material Preparation; 2.2 Characterization; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Microhardness
3.4 Mechanical Properties4 Conclusions; References; Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of Aluminum Alloy Rod Prepared by Continuous Casting and Rolling; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Microstructure; 3.2 Electrical Conductivity; 3.3 Mechanical Properties; 4 Conclusions; References; Influence of High-Temperature Compression on Microstructure and Properties of Sintered Molybdenum; 1 Introduction; 2 Experiment; 2.1 Materials; 2.2 Experimental Method; 2.3 Measurements and Characterization; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Density
Microstructural Evolution and Phase Transformation of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Containing 3% Li During Homogenization1 Introduction; 2 Experimental; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 As-cast Microstructure; 3.2 DSC Analysis; 3.3 Microstructural Evolution During Homogenization; 4 Conclusions; References; Study on Stabilization Treatment of Al-Mg Alloy 5E83-H112; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Methods; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Tensile Properties; 3.2 EBSD Analysis; 3.3 Intergranular Corrosion and Exfoliation Corrosion; 3.4 Stabilization Treatment; 3.5 TEM Microstructure; 4 Conclusions; References
This book gathers selected papers from the Chinese Materials Conference 2018 (CMC2018) held in Xiamen City, Fujian, China, on July 12?16, 2018. The Chinese Materials Conference (CMC) is the Chinese Materials Research Society?s most important conference series and has been held annually since the early 1990s. The 2018 edition consisted of 32 domestic symposia, 2 international symposia and 1 international materials forum. This proceedings book covers the fields of powder metallurgy, advanced aluminum alloys, advanced magnesium alloys, superalloys, metal matrix composites, space materials science and technology, as well as nanoporous metal materials, and presents recent original research findings from more than 300 research groups at various universities and research institutes.
Springer Nature
Alloys, Congresses.
Metallurgy, Congresses.
Metals, Congresses.
Aerospace Technology and Astronautics.
Magnetism, Magnetic Materials.
Manufacturing, Machines, Tools, Processes.
Metallic Materials.
TEC-- 023000
Han, Yafang
Chinese Materials Conference(2018 :, Fujian Sheng, China)