Security and data storage aspect in cloud computing /
Prachi S. Deshpande, Subhash C. Sharma, Sateesh K. Peddoju.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Studies in big data,
volume 52
2197-6503 ;
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Authors; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Evolution of Cloud Paradigm; 1.3 Classification of Cloud; 1.3.1 Cloud Features; 1.3.2 Open-Source Platforms for Cloud Setup; 1.4 Threat Assessment in Cloud; 1.5 Security Attacks on the Cloud; 1.6 Motivation and Organization of the Book; 1.7 Conclusions; References; 2 A Host-Based Intrusion Detection System; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Present Scenario of HIDS; 2.3 Architecture of HIDS in Cloud Environment; 2.4 Deployment of the HIDS Framework; 2.4.1 Data Logging Module (DLM); 2.4.2 Preprocessing Module
2.4.3 Analysis and Decision Engine (ADE)2.4.4 Management Module; 2.4.5 Execution of the Module; 2.5 Results and Analysis; 2.6 Conclusions; References; 3 A Network-Based Intrusion Detection System; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Present Scenario of NIDS; 3.3 Deployment of NIDS Framework; 3.3.1 Profile Generator; 3.3.2 Packet Filter; 3.3.3 Adaptive Profile Generator; 3.3.4 Node Monitor; 3.4 Results and Analysis; 3.4.1 Experimentation in Cloud Environment; 3.4.2 Performance Analysis Using DARPA Data set; 3.5 Conclusions; References; 4 Data Security and Storage Module in Cloud; 4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Security Issues in Cloud4.2.1 The Related Work; 4.2.2 The Methodology; 4.2.3 Results and Discussion; 4.3 Data Storage Issues in Cloud; 4.3.1 The Related Work; 4.3.2 The Module Development; 4.3.3 Results and Discussion; 4.4 Conclusions; References; 5 Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in Big-data Era; 5.1 Introduction and Driving Force; 5.1.1 Classification Data in Big-data Era; 5.1.2 Data Processing in Big-data Regime; 5.2 The Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in Big-data; 5.2.1 The Predictive Analytics; 5.2.2 The Prescriptive Analytics
5.2.3 The Prescriptive Analytics Platforms5.3 The Open Research Issues Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics; 5.4 Conclusions; References; 6 Conclusions and Future Work; 6.1 Conclusions; 6.2 Future Work; 6.2.1 Cooperative IDS; 6.2.2 Adaptive WCDM for Data Storage
This book analyses the various security threats in cloud computing. A host-based IDS (HIDS) using signature verification is developed and implemented for the concerned security issues. Further, owing to the vulnerability of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in cloud computing, a network based IDS (NIDS) is developed and implemented against such attacks. The performance of these IDS is verified in the Cloud scenario as well against the standard data set. Finally, a simple data storage and security model is developed and implemented for the Cloud computing scenario. The contents of this book will be of interest to researchers and professionals alike.