Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Editorial Advisory Board; List of Reviewers; Adaptive Control Techniques for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Research Motivation; 1.2 Literature Review; 1.3 Technical Contributions; 2 PV Inverter System Modeling; 3 Adaptive Control of PV Inverter Systems; 3.1 Verification of Control Design Conditions; 3.2 Nominal Control Design; 3.3 Adaptive Control Design; 4 Simulation Study; 5 Conclusions and Future Topics; References; Application of Sliding-Mode Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Systems
1 Introduction2 Equations of the PV Source; 2.1 Equations of the PV Array; 2.2 Equations of the Converter; 3 One-Loop Sliding-Mode Control System; 4 Two-Loop Sliding-Mode Control Scheme; 5 Numerical Simulations; 5.1 Uniform Insolation Condition; 5.2 Partially Shaded Condition; 6 Experimental Results; 7 Conclusion; References; Predictive Control of Four-Leg Converters for Photovoltaic Energy Systems; 1 Introduction; 2 Modeling of Four-Leg Converters; 2.1 Four-Leg Power Converter Topologies; 2.2 Four-Leg Two-Level Converter Model; 2.3 Four-Leg NPC Converter Model
2.4 Load Model with Output L filter2.5 Load Model with Output LC filter; 3 Predictive Current Control of Four-Leg Two-Level Converter; 3.1 Control Scheme; 3.2 Results and Analysis; 4 Predictive Current Control of Four-Leg NPC Converter; 4.1 Control Scheme; 4.2 Results and Analysis; 5 Predictive Voltage Control of Four-Leg Two-Level Converter; 5.1 Control Scheme; 5.2 Results and Analysis; 6 Predictive Voltage Control of Four-Leg NPC Converter; 6.1 Control Scheme; 6.2 Results and Analysis; 7 Summary; References
5.3 Comparison of Results Using a Different Algorithm6 Conclusion; References; Study on Control of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind Power System Using Xilinx System Generator; 1 Introduction; 2 Modeling of the Grid-Connected Hybrid System; 2.1 PV Panel Modeling; 2.2 Modeling of the WTG; 2.3 Modeling of the Three Phase Inverter; 3 The XSG Based Control of the HEGS; 3.1 P & O Controller of the PV Generator; 3.2 Optimal Torque Control of WTG; 3.3 The Field Oriented Control Scheme; 3.4 VFOC Scheme Based on the Backstepping Approach; 4 Simulation Results; 5 Conclusion; References
A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Application Using Secant Incremental Gradient Based on Newton Raphson1 Introduction; 2 PV System Modelling; 3 PV System in Partial Shading Condition; 4 MPPT Application and Proposed Method; 4.1 P & O Method; 4.2 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Method; 4.3 Grey Wolf Optimizer; 4.4 Secant Gradient Based on Newton Raphson; 5 Simulation Results and Discussion; 5.1 Simulation Results Under Partial Shading Patterns 1 and 2; 5.2 Simulation Results Under Partial Shading Patterns 3 and 4
This book discusses control and optimization techniques in the broadest sense, covering new theoretical results and the applications of newly developed methods for PV systems. Going beyond classical control techniques, it promotes the use of more efficient control and optimization strategies based on linearized models and purely continuous (or discrete) models. These new strategies not only enhance the performance of the PV systems, but also decrease the cost per kilowatt-hour generated.