Reliable post disaster services over smartphone based DTN :
an end-to-end framework /
Souvik Basu, Siuli Roy, and Sipra Das Bit.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Smart innovation, systems and technologies ;
Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the Book; Contents; About the Authors; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Disaster Management; 1.1.1 Disaster Management Phases; 1.1.2 Post-disaster Services; 1.1.3 Post-disaster Communication; 1.2 Overview of Delay-Tolerant Networks; 1.2.1 Features; 1.2.2 Architecture; 1.2.3 Routing; 1.2.4 Applications; 1.2.5 Other Communication Systems; 1.3 Security in DTN; 1.3.1 Security Requirements; 1.3.2 Attacks on DTN; 1.3.3 Challenges in DTN Security; 1.4 Overall Objective and Contribution of the Book; References; 2 Post-disaster Need Assessment
2.1 Literature Review2.1.1 Emergency Resource Demand Forecasting; 2.1.2 PCRA-Based Techniques; 2.2 Demand Forecast Using Principal Component Regression Model; 2.2.1 Identification of Influencing Parameters; 2.2.2 Selection of Uncorrelated Influencing Parameters; 2.2.3 Formulation of Forecasting Model; 2.2.4 Performance Analysis; 2.3 Utility Enumeration Through Utility Function; 2.3.1 Deriving the Utility Function; 2.4 Enumerating Resource Utility-An Illustrative Example; 2.5 Conclusion; References; 3 Need Accumulation Over DTN; 3.1 Literature Review; 3.1.1 Human Mobility Characteristics
3.1.2 Post-disaster Volunteer Movement3.2 System Model; 3.2.1 Network Architecture; 3.2.2 Distribution of Volunteers; 3.2.3 Interaction Pattern of Volunteers; 3.3 Opportunistic Knowledge Sharing Scheme; 3.3.1 Local Knowledge Acquisition; 3.3.2 Local Knowledge Sharing and Regional Knowledge Acquisition; 3.3.3 Regional Knowledge Sharing and Global Knowledge Acquisition; 3.3.4 Global Knowledge Sharing; 3.3.5 Algorithm; 3.3.6 Expected Generation Time for Global View of Resource Needs; 3.4 Performance Analysis; 3.4.1 Qualitative Analysis; 3.4.2 Quantitative Analysis; 3.5 Conclusion; References
4 Resource Planning4.1 Literature Review; 4.1.1 CBR-Driven Resource Demand Forecasting; 4.1.2 Resource Allocation; 4.2 Case-Based Reasoning-Driven Need Validation Technique; 4.2.1 Case-Based Reasoning; 4.2.2 Demand Validation Using CBR; 4.2.3 Performance Analysis; 4.3 Utility-Based Integer Programming Model for Optimal Resource Allocation; 4.3.1 Parameters and Variables; 4.3.2 Minimizing Overall Resource Deficit; 4.3.3 Minimizing Total Resource Deployment Time; 4.3.4 Solution of the Integer Programming Models; 4.3.5 Performance Analysis; 4.4 Conclusion; References
5 Reliable Data Dissemination over DTN5.1 Literature Review; 5.1.1 Cryptographic Strategies; 5.1.2 Trust-Based Strategies; 5.1.3 Secured Keyword Search; 5.2 Multilayer Encryption and Hashing-Based Scheme; 5.2.1 System Model; 5.2.2 Group-Based Distributed Authentication; 5.2.3 Multilayer Hashed Encryption; 5.2.4 Performance Analysis; 5.3 SAGE-PRoPHET: Security-Aided and Group Encounter-Based PRoPHET Routing Protocol; 5.3.1 System Model; 5.3.2 Categorizing Situational Messages Using PEKS; 5.3.3 Adapting PRoPHET for Group Encounter-Based Routing
This book proposes a framework and strategies for reliable end-to-end post-disaster services using smartphone-based delay-tolerant networks, which can operate even in the absence of conventional network connectivity. It explores various aspects of this challenge, ranging from accurate need assessment, to timely need accumulation, efficient resource allocation, and reliable data dissemination. The book offers insightful reading for all technologists and researchers working in the domain of ICT-based disaster management in developing countries, and will help them grasp the challenges involved in providing post-disaster services in an extremely difficult network scenario, while also offering possible solutions. The book will also benefit disaster management authorities, government agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders, helping them enhance their preparedness through the intelligent use of wireless technologies coupled with smart devices.
Springer Nature
Reliable post disaster services over smartphone based DTN.