Intro; Profile of Prof. Lalit Deshpande; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Praise for Perspectives on Neoliberalism, Labour and Globalization in India; Contents; Editor and Contributors; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1 Introduction: Contesting Neoliberalism and Search for Alternatives-An Overview of Conversations; Globalization and Neoliberalism; Globalization, Neoliberalism and Labour: Power of Ideas and Institutions; About the Contributions; Final Observations; References
Chapter 2 Twenty-First-Century Capitalist Development: Upon the Backs of, and Against, Global LabourIntroduction; Global Capitalism: Global Wealth, Global Poverty; The GDI and Global Poverty Analysis; Class Analysis and Global Labour; Capital-Centred Development Theory; Market-Led Development; Statist Political Economy; Labour-Led Development: Theory and Practice; Conclusions; References; Chapter 3 Labour-Capital Conflict and Permeation of Class in Marxian Categories; Introduction; Class Construct of Economic Categories; Mediation of Class-Determining Value and Profit
Neoliberalism and Labour Market in IndiaThe Role of State and Labour Law Reforms; Reforms and Trade Unions; Conclusions; Appendix; References; Chapter 6 The Great Transformation in Our Time and the Possibilities for the Renewal of Social Democracy; Introduction: Polanyi's 'Great Transformation' and Our Troubled Times; The Great Transformation: Market Fundamentalism and the 'Double Movement' of Modern History; From 'Embedded Liberalism' to the Second Coming of Market Fundamentalism; The Disembedding of the Economy, Social Dislocation and Ecological Crisis Under Neoliberalism
Rise of 'Social Labour' and Class ConflictConcluding Remarks; References; Chapter 4 Industrial Relations and Globalization: A Marxist Perspective; Introduction: Globalization and Labour; Labour, Industrial Relations and Marxism; Industrial Relations 'Old' and 'New' and Their Metaphors; Beyond 'Old' and 'New': Towards a Contemporary Marxian IR Theory; Theory in Context: Contemporary Production System(s); Envisioning Marxist IR in the Time of Globalization; In Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Labour, Capital and State in Neoliberal India: Some Reflections on Recent Developments; Introduction
Where Is the Countermovement?A Social Democratic Countermovement? Possibilities in the 'South'; References; Chapter 7 Towards a Theology of Work Based on the Bible and Social Teachings of the Church; Introduction; Part I: Church's Perspective on Globalization and Its Impact on the World; Church's Views on Globalization; Populorum Progressio (Paul VI 1967, March 26); Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2005); Caritas in Veritate (Benedict XVI 2009, June 29); Pope Francis (2013- ); Church's Perspective on Labour, Unions and Rights in a Globalized World
This book employs a variety of perspectives such as Institutional, Social Democratic, Marxist, Gender and Informal, Biblical and Dalit, to critically examine the impact of neo-liberal globalisation on both formal and informal sectors of the labour market and the industrial relations system. The narratives not only interrogate current institutions and paradigms, but also outline future developments.--