"International Centre for Theoretical Physics, International Atomic Energy Acency, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization."
Includes bibliographical references.
Integrable Lattice Models and Quantum Groups (H Saleur & J-B Zuber); Matrix Models and 2D Gravity (F David); Notes on Topological String Theory and 2D Quantum Gravity (R Dijkgraaf et al.); Geometry of the N =2 String Theory (H Ooguri). Readership: High energy physicists.
Preface; Contents; Integrable Lattice Models and Quantum Groups; 0. Introduction; 1. Vertex Models; 1.1. The Ř matrix; 1.2. Yang-baxter equation; 1.3. Remarks; 1.4. The six-vertex model; 1.5. Conserved quantities; 2. Quantum sl(2) and the Yang-Baxter Equation; 2.1. Classical limit of YB; 2.2. Looking for other solutions of YB; 2.3. The Uq sl(2) algebra; 2.4. The universal R matriz; 2.5. Hecke and Temperley-Lieb algebras; 3. Uq sl(2) As a Symmetry of Lattice Models; 3.1. Diagonal geometry; 3.2. The generic case; 3.3. The case of q a root of unity; 3.4. More on q a root of unity; 4. Face Models.
2.4. Descent equations and perturbed correlation functions3. Topological Conformal Field Theory; 3.1. Global ward identities in TCFT; 3.2. Scaling and the free energy; 4. Examples of 2D Topological Field Theories; 4.1. Solution of d <1 TCFT via landau-ginzburg potentials; 4.2. Topological sigma models; 4.3. Is the bosonic string topological?; 5. Topological String Theory; 5.1. Action and symmetries; 5.2. Physical operators; 5.3. Physical amplitudes and cohomology; 6. Virasoro Recursion Relations in Topological Gravity; 6.1. The puncture- and dilaton equation; 6.2. The contact term algebra.
4.1. Generalities4.2. Vertex-IRF connection; 4.3. Restricted IRF models; 4.4. Modified trace; 5. Face Models Attached to Graphs; 5.1. Reinterpretation of the RSOS model; 5.2. Representations of the TL algebra on the paths of a graph; 5.3. Spectral properties of the Dynkin diagrams and intertwiners; 5.4. Continuum limit; 5.5. More on the continuum limit; 6. Yang-Baxter Equation, Braid Group and Link Polynomials; 6.1. Definitions; 6.2. Alexander-Conway polynomial; 6.3. Braid group; 6.4. Markov trace and link polynomials. Homfly polynomial; References; Matrix Models and 2-D Gravity.
6.3. An interpretation of the virasoro algebra7. Multi-Critical Points and Loop Equations; 7.1. Topological strings in non-trivial backgrounds; 7.2. Schwinger-dyson equations; 7.3. Loop equations; 8. Topological Strings in d <1; 8.1. Tree-level amplitudes; 8.2. W-constraints and loop equations; Acknowledgements; References; Geometry of the N = 2 String Theory; References.
I. -- IntroductionII. -- 2-D Quantum Gravity in the Continuum; III. -- Discretized 2-D Gravity and Random Matrix Models; IV. -- The ""Double"" Scaling Limit and the String Equations; V. -- Non Perturbative Effects in Pure Gravity; a) Macroscopic loops and loop equations of motion; b) Properties of the Painlevé I equation; Acknowledgements; References; Notes on Topological String Theory and 2D Quantum Gravity; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Two-Dimensional Topological Field Theory; 2.1. Definition of 2D topological QFT; 2.2. Q-cohomology and physical operators; 2.3. The operator algebra.