"On October 22-26, 1999, the Gregory Breit Memorial Symposium was held at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. This volume contains the Proceedings of that Symposium"--Preface.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 281-298).
Program of the Gregory Breit centennial symposium -- Introductory Remarks about Gregory Breit / Vernon W. Hughes -- The legacy of Gregory Breit. Topics from high precision test of quantum electrodynamics / Toichiro Kinoshita -- Helium fine structure, from Breit interaction to precise laser spectroscopy / F. Minardi and M. Inguscio -- The isotope shift / E.W. Otten -- Gregory Breit and the fermion-fermion interaction / G.E. Brown -- Ultra-relativistic nuclei: a new frontier / L. McLerran -- Supersymmetry in nuclei / F. Iachello -- 100 years of the quantum -- the glory and the shame / John Archibald Wheeler -- On Gregory Breit / McAllister Hull -- Remarks from a family member / Ralph Wyckoff, read by Martin Klein -- Frontiers of nuclear physics. Color, spin and flavor-dependent forces in quantum chromodynamics / R.L. Jaffe -- Nuclear structure with stable and radioactive beams / R.F. Casten -- Equation of state of nuclear matter / Claus-Konrad Gelbke -- Electric dipole tests of time reversal symmetry / Norman F. Ramsey -- Laboratory studies of astrophysical nuclear reactions / C. Rolfs -- Relativistic heavy ion collider physics / John W. Harris -- Gregory Breit: July 14,1899- September 11,1981 / McAllister Hull -- Work on the super and the study of atmospheric ignition -- Bibliography of Gregory Breit.
This book contains the proceedings of the Gregory Breit Centennial Symposium. The legacy of Breit to atomic, nuclear and particle physics is discussed vis-à-vis modern developments in these fields. Among other subjects, the present status of the Breit interaction in atomic physics and of the nucleon-nucleon interaction are reviewed. The second part of the book contains a more in-depth presentation of the status of modern nuclear physics, from relativistic heavy ion physics to nuclear structure physics and nuclear astrophysics. The recently confirmed discovery of supersymmetry in nuclei is also discussed.
Gregory Breit Centennial Symposium : Yale University, Usa, 29-30 October 1999.