Preface ; Group Photo ; Part 1 Overviews in Astroparticie Physics ; An Overview of the Status of Work on Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays ; Gravitational Waves from Compact Sources ; Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics ; Black Holes and Fundamental Physics.
GEANT4 Detector Simulations: Radiation Interaction Simulations for the High-Energy Astrophysics Experiments EUSO and AMS Software for Radiological Risk Assessment in Space Missions ; Neutrino Physics ; Results from K2K ; SNO: Salt Phase Resuits and NCD Phase Status.
Part 2 Contributions Cosmic Ray Physics ; Phenomenology of Cosmic Ray Air Showers ; First Results from the MAGIC Experiment ; How to Select UHECR in EUSO -- The Trigger System ; Pressure and Temperature Dependence of the Primary Scintillation in Air ; Overview of the GLAST Physics.
The Role of Differential Rotation in the Evolution of the r-Mode Instability Analytica r-Mode Solution with Gravitational Radiation Reaction Force ; Space Radiation: Effects and Monitoring Particles from the Sun ; Simulations of Space Radiation Monitors.
Velocity and Charge Reconstruction with the AMS/RICH Detector Isotope Separation with the RICH Detector of the AMS Experiment ; Gravitational Waves and Compact Sources ; Gravitational Radiation from 3D Collapse to Rotating Black Holes.
In international workshops on "New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics" held biannually, astronomers, astrophysicists and particle physicists discuss recent developments in the exciting and rapidly developing field of Astroparticle Physics. Similar to previous workshops, this 5th international workshop introduced experimental, observational and theoretical subjects through review lectures. This was followed by shorter contributions on the recent developments in Astroparticle Physics. This workshop covered an array of subjects like cosmic rays, gravitational waves, space radiation, neutrino physic.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics.
New worlds in astroparticle physics
Cosmology, Congresses.
Nuclear astrophysics, Congresses.
Particles (Nuclear physics), Congresses.
Nuclear astrophysics.
Particles (Nuclear physics)
Mourão, Ana M.
International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics(5th :2005 :, Faro, Portugal)