Politics, managerialism, and university governance :
lessons from Hong Kong under China's rule since 1997 /
Wing-Wah Law.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Governance and citizenship in Asia
Intro; Foreword; Preface; Contents; About the Author; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; Theories of State, Market, and Higher Education; Statist Approaches to Higher Education Governance and Administration; Managerialism and New Public Management in Higher Education; Governance Models of Public Universities; Concepts of University Autonomy, Academic Freedom, and Academics as Public Intellectuals; Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom; Civic Engagement, and Students and Academics as Citizens and Public Intellectuals; Higher Education in Hong Kong; Focus and Organization of the Book
Controversies Over Basic Law's Interpretations and Judicial IndependenceIncrease in Mainland China's Political Control Over Hong Kong; The Provision of Hope for Greater Democracy and Opportunity for Political Cooption; The Institutionalization of Inequality in Hong Kong's Postcolonial Political Structure; Increase in Beijing's Control Over Hong Kong Since the 1 July 2003 Demonstration; References; 3 Managerialism and Public Universities in Hong Kong; Basic Relationships Between the Government, UGC and Public Universities; Managerialism and the Regulation of Hong Kong Higher Education
Hong Kong People's Collective Fear of IndoctrinationFinal Struggles of Students and Parents with the Hong Kong Government; Occupy Central in 2014: Academic-Initiated and Student-Led Social Campaign; Academic-Initiated Occupy Central Campaign; Central Government's Intervention; Student-Led Occupation of Central; References; 5 Collision Between Politics and University Autonomy: HKU's Governance Crisis in PVC Appointment Saga; The Beginning of HKU's PVC Appointment Saga; Concerted Smear Campaign Against the Sole Nominee for a PVC Post at HKU
UGC as a Principal Shaper of Public Higher Education's DevelopmentsUGC as the Main Promoter of NPM Culture and Practice; Establishment of NPM Measures to Review and Audit University Performance; Empowering and Regulating University Councils in Institutional Governance; References; 4 Civic Engagement of Students and Academics in Political Events; Anti-national Education Movement in 2012: Student- and Parent-Led Demonstration; Efforts to Reinforce National Education in Hong Kong; Hong Kong Government's Response to the Central Government's Urge
This book explores the interplay between politics, managerialism, and higher education, and the complex linkages between politics and public universities in Hong Kong. Since the mid-20th century, literature on the state, market, and higher education has focused on the state's shifting role from the direct administration to the supervision of higher education, and its increased use of market and managerial principles and techniques to regulate public universities. However, very few studies have addressed the political influences on university governance produced by changing state-university-market relationships, the chancellorship of public universities, or students' and academics' civic engagement with regard to sensitive political issues. The book examines both the positive and problematic outcomes of using market principles and managerialism to reform public higher education; questions the longstanding tradition of university chancellorship; explores the issue of external members holding the majority on university governing boards; probes into the dilemma of either relying on the system or a good chancellor and external members to preserve universities' autonomy and academic freedom; and assesses the cost of students' and academics' civic engagement with regard to politically sensitive issues.
Springer Nature
Politics, managerialism, and university governance.
Education, Higher-- China-- Administration.
Education, Higher-- Political aspects-- China.
Higher education and state-- China.
Education, Higher-- Administration.
Education, Higher-- Political aspects.
Higher education and state.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Affairs & Administration.