Intro; Foreword; Becoming 'Classroom Ready' Through Partnerships; References; Acknowledgements; Contents; Introduction to the Book; Framing the STEPS Project: Partnership Theory and Practice; 1 Theory and Practice: The Context of Partnerships in Teacher Education; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Broader Policy Context; 1.3 Teacher Education Under the Spotlight; 1.4 Policy Meets Practice; 1.5 The Emergence of Partnerships in Science Teacher Education; 1.6 Ongoing Challenges for Teacher Education; 1.7 Work-Readiness and Work Integrated Learning; 1.8 Conclusion; References.
2 Science Teacher Education Partnerships with Schools (STEPS)2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Context of Primary Science Teacher Education; 2.3 Role of Partnerships in Pre-service Teacher Science Education; 2.4 Understanding the Terrain of the Project; 2.5 Context; 2.6 Methods; 2.6.1 Conceptualisation of the STEPS Project; 2.6.2 Processes Regarding the Construction of the Project Annotated Bibliography; 2.6.3 Processes Regarding the Construction of the Case Studies; 2.6.4 Role of Case Studies Within Larger Project Goals; 2.6.5 Processes Regarding the Construction of the Interpretive Framework.
2.7 ConclusionsReferences; 3 Models of School-Based Practice: Partnerships in Practice; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Rationale for Case Studies; 3.3 Development of Case Studies; 3.4 Case Studies from Five Universities; 3.4.1 Model 1: Deakin University; 3.4.2 Model 2: Australian Catholic University, Ballarat; 3.4.3 Model 3: RMIT University; 3.4.4 Model 4: University of Melbourne; 3.4.5 Model 5: University of Tasmania; 3.5 Data Arising from the Models; 3.5.1 Rationale for, and Goals of, the Partnership Approach; 3.5.2 Theories Informing the Teacher Educator's Practice.
3.6 The Structure of the School-Based Experience3.6.1 The Features and Nature of the Partnership; 3.7 Discussion; 3.8 Conclusion; References; STEPS Interpretive Framework as a Partnership Model; 4 Linking Theory and Practice Through Partnerships; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Establishing Partnerships Between Schools and Universities; 4.3 Themes for the STEPS Project; 4.4 Partnerships; 4.5 Principles of Partnership Practices; 4.5.1 Partnerships: Risk-Taking and Trust; 4.5.2 Partnerships: Reciprocity and Mutuality; 4.5.3 Partnerships: Recognition of Respective Goals; 4.5.4 Partnerships: Respect.
4.5.5 Partnerships: Adaptable and Responsive to Changing Needs4.5.6 Partnerships: Diverse Representation; 4.6 Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge; 4.7 Developing Communities of Practice; 4.8 Enacting and Applying Theory in Practice; 4.8.1 Example 1: Science Teacher Educator-Kathy; 4.8.2 Example 2: Teacher Education Coordinator and Teacher Educator-Micko and Alexa; 4.8.3 Example 3: Science PSTs-Erin and Carly; 4.8.4 Example 4: Science Teacher Educators-Damian and Paul; 4.9 The Role of the Educator in Enacting Theory in Practice.
This book demonstrates school-based approaches to primary science teacher education. The models used involve partnerships between universities and primary schools to engage pre-service primary teachers in classroom teaching and learning that effectively connects theory with practice separate to the formal practicum arrangements. The book is a culmination of the research and collaboration of researchers from five Australian universities involved in the Science Teacher Education Partnerships with Schools (STEPS) project, funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. While the STEPS project focused on partnerships in primary science teacher education, a key strength of the partnership model (the STEPS Interpretive Framework) developed and explored in this book is its applicability for cross-case, national, international, and inter-state analyses of partnership practices. This is shown through a number of case studies where the STEPS Interpretive Framework is applied and evaluated in the context of other school- or learning-related partnerships. These broad-ranging analyses illustrate the relevance of the model to a range of settings, both within and outside of education.