The limits of authoritarian governance in Singapore's developmental state /
edited by Lily Zubaidah Rahim and Michael D. Barr.
Singapore :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Contents; Editors and Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction: Authoritarian Governance in Singapore's Developmental State; Scope and Structure; Bibliography; Part I: Historical Context; Chapter 2: Singapore and the Lineages of Authoritarian Modernity in East Asia; Meiji Japan's 'Prussian path'; Ito Hirobumi and Lorenz von Stein; Singapore: 'Learning from Japan'; China's 'Singapore model'; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 3: Independence: The Further Stage of Colonialism in Singapore; British Political, Physical, and Intellectual Control; Continuity.
Chapter 6: New Politics and Old Managerialism: Welcome to the New NormalThe Technocratic Claim; Retreat from Technocracy; The Lee Story; An Exhibition of Authoritarian Perfection; New (Superficial) Politics; If Not Technocracy or Democracy, Then What?; A Rather Commonplace 'new normal'; Bibliography; News Services; Chapter 7: Intra-Party Dynamics in the People's Action Party: Party Structure, Continuity and Hegemony; Introduction; PAP's Hegemony and Party Structure: A Brief Outline; Critical Junctures, Personalities and Institutions: Lee and the PAP's Cadre System.
ExpansionValues and Justifications; Vulnerability; Development; Meritocracy; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 4: Albert Winsemius and the Transnational Origins of High Modernist Governance in Singapore; Transnational Singapore; A Modest Mission?; Crisis for the State; Private Capital and the Left; The Myth of Export-Led Industrialisation; Communists and the Politics of Expertise; Conclusion; Bibliography; Part II: Political and Policy Context; Chapter 5: Social Policy Reform and Rigidity in Singapore's Authoritarian Developmental State; Introduction: Globalisation of Income Inequality.
Foundational Principles and National ValuesA Society of 'Natural Aristocrats' or a Bastion of Social Privilege?; Electoral Backlashes: Reclaiming the 'Growth with Equity' Social Compact; Developmental States: Divergent Political and Social Policy Trajectories; Contemporary Authoritarian Developmental States; Social Policy Reforms: Continuity and Change; Wage Stagnation; Worker Redundancy; Reforming the Tripartite Industrial Relations System; Ageing Workforce; Faltering Education Escalator; Limits of Technocratic Governance; Conclusion; Bibliography.
Party Structure as an Explanation for the PAP's Success and Weaknesses'Leftwards' Shift Since 2011: Ideological Reassessment or Policy Adjustments?; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 8: The Growing Challenge of Pluralism and Political Activism: Shifts in the Hegemonic Discourse in Singapore; Introduction; Singapore's Hegemonic Discourse; The Rising Opposition; A More Assertive Civil Society; Changes within the Ruling Party; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 9: PAP Vulnerability and the Singapore Governance Model: Findings from the Asian Barometer Survey; Governance and the Singapore Public.