Chapter I Debt and Economic Growth -- Chapter II A Study of China's Total Debt -- Chapter III A Study of China's Government Debt -- Chapter IV A Study of China's Bank Debt -- Chapter V A Study of China's Corporate Debt -- Chapter VI A Study of the Debt of Real Estate-Related Industries -- Chapter VII A Study of the Real Economy and the Virtual Economy -- Chapter VIII Summary.
Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: Debt and Economic Growth; 1.1 Theoretical Basis of Debt Studies; 1.1.1 Classical Economic Growth Models; 1.1.2 The New Institutional Economics and Economic Growth; 1.1.3 The Population Problem in Economic Growth; 1.2 Debt and Economic Growth; 1.3 Theoretic Meaning of Turning Point of Debt; 1.3.1 Economic Meaning of the Turning Point; 1.3.2 Economic Meaning of the Turning Point of Debt; 1.4 Research Framework; Chapter 2: A Study of Chinaś Total Debt; 2.1 The Definition and Characteristics of Total Debt; 2.1.1 Total Debt.
2.1.2 The Debt of Various Entities2.1.3 A Trend Analysis of Debt; 2.2 An International Comparison of Debt Development; 2.2.1 A History of Debt Development in China; 2.2.2 A History of Debt Development in Japan; 2.2.3 A History of Debt Development in the U.S.; 2.3 A Metrological Analysis of Chinaś Debt; 2.3.1 An Analysis of the Turning Point of Chinaś Overall Debt; 2.4 A Metrological Analysis of the Debt of Various Entities; 2.4.1 Corporate Debt; 2.4.2 Household Debt; 2.4.3 Foreign Debt; 2.5 Summary and Suggestions; Chapter 3: A Study of Chinaś Government Debt.
3.1 Definition and Characteristics of Government Debt3.1.1 Definition of Government Debt; 3.1.2 A Trend Analysis of the Size of Chinaś Government Debt; 3.2 Literature Review; 3.2.1 Central Government Debt; 3.2.2 Local Government Debt; 3.3 A Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Government Debts; 3.3.1 A History of Chinaś Government Debt; 3.3.2 A History of U.S. Government Debt; 3.3.3 A History of Government Debt in Japan; 3.3.4 A History of European Government Debt; 3.4 A Metrological Analysis of Government Debt; 3.4.1 Central Government Debt; 3.4.2 Local Government Debt.
3.5 Summary and SuggestionsChapter 4: A Study of Chinaś Bank Debt; 4.1 Definition and Characteristics of Bank Debt; 4.1.1 Definition of Bank Debt; 4.1.2 Characteristics of Bank Debt; 4.2 Bank Debt and Economic Growth; 4.2.1 Bank Debtś Role in Economic Growth; 4.2.2 Correlations Between Bank Debt and Economic Growth; 4.3 A Metrological Analysis of Bank Debt; 4.3.1 Metrological Model and Analysis Results; 4.3.2 Identification of Bank Debt Turning Point; 4.3.3 Current Effects and Development Trend of Bank Debt; 4.4 Pressure and Challenges Facing the Banking Sector; 4.4.1 External Pressure.
4.4.2 Problems of Internal Management4.5 Summary and Suggestions; Chapter 5: A Study of Chinaś Corporate Debt; 5.1 Status Quo and Development History of Corporate Debt; 5.1.1 Status Quo of Chinaś Corporate Debt; 5.1.2 A Development History of China ́Corporate Debt; 5.2 A Comparison of Debt Leverages of Various Industries; 5.2.1 Debt Size of Various Industries; 5.2.2 Debt Leverages of Various Industries; 5.3 Debt Leverages and Profit Margins in Different Industries; 5.3.1 Model and Hypotheses; 5.3.2 Model Application; 5.3.3 Changes in the Profitability of Various Industries.
This book proposes a method for calculating China's debt based on a quantitative econometric analysis. This is conducted by measuring the relationship between China's debt size and economic growth. The conclusion that is reached is as follows: China's current debt has already exceeded the inflection point, and that means that it is now having an adverse effect on its economic performance. The book also focuses on China's debt problems as a whole, highlighting debt issues faced by different entities and industries, as well as the ratio and structure of the virtual and real economies. The contents are presented in three major principles: theory, oriented, data, and oriented policy.--