Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Part I: Characteristics of Current Plant Factories and Next Generation Plant Factory; Chapter 1: Current Status of Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting (PFALs) and Smart PFALs; 1.1 Introduction: Food, Resource, and Environment Trilemma; 1.1.1 Contribution of Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting (PFALs) to Solving the Trilemma; 1.1.2 Reducing the Loss of Fresh Vegetables in Urban Areas Using PFALs; 1.1.3 Waste Produced in Urban Areas Can Be Used as Essential Resources for Plant Production; 1.2 Characteristics and Main Components of the PFAL
Part1 Characteristics of current plant factories and next generation plant factory -- 1. Current Status of Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting (PFALs) and Smart PFALs (Toyoki Kozai) -- 2. Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting (PFALs): Benefits, Problems and Challenges (Toyoki Kozai) -- 3. Protocols, issues and potential improvements of current cultivation systems (Na Lu and Shigeharu Shimamura) -- 4. Design and Control of smart PFAL (Yoshihiro Nakabo) 5. Designing a Cultivation System Module (CSM) Considering the Cost Performance -- A Step Towards Smart PFALs -- (Toyoki Kozai) -- Part 2 Recent Outcomes in Development and Business -- 6. Business planning on Efficiency, Productivity, and Profitability (Kaz Uraisami) -- 7. Renewable energy makes plant factory "smart" (Kaz Uraisami) -- 8. Total indoor farming concepts for large scale production (Marc Kreuger, Lianne Meeuws, Gertjan Meeuws) -- 9. SaibaiX: Production process management system (Shunsuke Sakaguchi) -- 10. Air distribution and its uniformity (Ying Zhang and Murat Kacira) -- Part 3 Re-considerations of photosynthesis, LEDs, units and terminology -- 11. Reconsidering the Fundamental Characteristics of Photosynthesis and LEDs (Toyoki Kozai and Masayuki Nozue) -- 12. Reconsidering the terminology and units for light and nutrient solution (Toyoki Kozai, Satoru Tsukagoshi and Shunsuke Sakaguchi) -- Part 4 Advances in Research on LED lighting -- 13. Usefulness of broadband-spectrum white LEDs to envision future plant factory (Hatsumi Nozue and Masao Gomi) -- 14. LED lighting technique to control plant growth and morphology (Tomohiro Jishi) -- 15. The quality and quality shifting of the night interruption light affect the morphogenesis and flowering in floricultural plants (Byoung Ryong Jeong, Yoo Gyeong Park) -- Part 5 Advanced technologies to be implemented in the smart plant factory -- 16. Mechanization of Agriculture considering Its Business model (Tamio Tanikawa) -- 17. Quantifying the environmental and energy benefits of food growth in urban environment (Rebecca Ward, Melanie Jans-Singh and Ruchi Choudhary) -- 18. Applications for breeding and high-wire tomato production in plant factory (Marc Kreuger, Lianne Meeuws and Gertjan Meeuws) -- 19. Molecular breeding for plant factory -- Strategies and Technology (Richalynn Leong and Daisuke Urano) -- 20. Production of value-added plants (Shoko Hikosaka) -- 21. Chemical inquiry into herbalmedicines and food additives (Natsuko Kagawa) -- 22. Detection and utilization of biological rhythms in plant factories (Hirokazu Fukuda, Yusuke Tanigaki, Shogo Moriyuki) -- 23. Automated characterization of plant growth and flowering dynamics using RGB images (Wei Guo) -- 24. Towards Nutrient Solution Composition Control in Hydroponic System (Toyoki Kozai, Satoru Tsukagoshi and Syunsuke Sakaguchi) -- 25. Phenotyping- and AI-based environmental control and breeding for PFAL (Eri Hayashi and Toyoki Kozai) -- 26. Plant cohort research and its application (Toyoki Kozai, Na Lu, Rikuo Hasegawa, Osamu Nunomura, Tomomi Nozaki, Yumiko Amagai and Eri Hayashi) -- 27. Concluding remarks (Toyoki Kozai).
1.2.1 Characteristics of the PFAL1.2.2 Difference Between PFAL and PFSL; 1.2.3 Main Components of the PFAL; 1.3 Current Status of PFALs; 1.3.1 Estimated Number of PFALs; 1.3.2 Production Capacity, Production Cost, and Wholesale Price; 1.3.3 Plants Suited to PFALs; 1.4 Main Objectives and Outline of This Book; 1.5 Image of the Smart PFAL; 1.6 Expected Ultimate Functions of the Smart PFAL; 1.7 Using Global Technology to Enhance the Quality of Local Culture and Technology; 1.8 Conclusions; References; Chapter 2: Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting (PFALs): Benefits, Problems, and Challenges
2.1 Introduction2.2 Potential and Actualized Benefits of the PFAL; 2.3 Current Unsolved Problems of PFALs; 2.3.1 Actions Required for Solving the Problems; 2.3.2 Some Specific Technical Problems; 2.4 Actions Required for Enhancing PFAL RandD and Business; 2.5 Challenges for the Smart PFAL; 2.6 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Protocols, Issues and Potential Improvements of Current Cultivation Systems; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Hydroponic System; 3.2.1 Irrigation Methods; The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) System; The Deep Flow Technique (DFT) System Modified Hybrid System3.2.1.4 Spray System; Ebb and Flow System; Drip Irrigation System; Wicking System; 3.2.2 Nutrient Solutions; Nutrient Composition; Electrical Conductivity (EC); Management of pH; Nutrient Solution Temperature; 3.3 Lighting System and Light Aspects; 3.3.1 Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) and Light Period; 3.3.2 Light Spectrum; 3.4 Set Points of Air Temperature, VPD, CO2 Concentration and Air Current Speed; 3.5 Air Conditioning System and Air Circulation; 3.5.1 Air Conditioning System
3.5.2 Air Circulation3.6 Salinity Control and Sterilization of Nutrient Solution; 3.6.1 Salinity Control; 3.6.2 Sterilization of Nutrient Solution; The UV Sterilization Method; The Ozone (O3) Sterilization Method; The Heat Sterilization Method; Silver/Titanium Oxide Utilization Method; Sand Filtration Method; Other Sterilization Methods; 3.7 Floor Layout; 3.8 Plant Species and Cultivars; 3.9 Issues to Be Solved; 3.9.1 Light; 3.9.2 Temperature; 3.9.3 Element Balance in Nutrient Solution; 3.9.4 pH Adjustment; 3.9.5 Algae; 3.9.6 Tip Burn
This book describes the concept, characteristics, methodology, design, management, business, recent advances and future technologies of plant factories with artificial lighting (PFAL) and indoor vertical farms. The third wave of PFAL business started in around 2010 in Japan and Taiwan, and in USA and Europe it began in about 2013 after the rapid advances in LED technology. The book discusses the basic and advanced developments in recent PFALs and future smart PFALs that emerged in 2016. There is an emerging interest around the globe in smart PFAL R & D and business, which are expected to play an important role in urban agriculture in the coming decades. It is also expected that they will contribute to solving the trilemma of food, environment and natural resources with increasing urban populations and decreasing agricultural populations and arable land area. Current obstacles to successful PFAL R & D and business are: 1) no well-accepted concepts and methodology for PFAL design and management, 2) lack of understanding of the environmental effects on plant growth and development and hydroponics among engineers; 3) lack of understanding of the technical and engineering aspects of PFAL among horticulturists; 4) lack of knowledge of the technical challenges and opportunities in future PFAL businesses among business professionals, policy makers, and investors and 5) lack of a suitable textbook on the recent advances in PFAL technologies and business for graduate students and young researchers. This book covers all the aspects of successful smart PFAL R & D and business.