Quorum sensing and its biotechnological applications /
Vipin Chandra Kalia, editor.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Intro; Dedication; Preface; Contents; About the Editor; Part I: Environment; 1: Quorum Sensing and Its Inhibition: Biotechnological Applications; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Biotechnological Applications of Quorum Sensing Systems; 1.2.1 Bio-energy; 1.2.2 Bioremediation; 1.2.3 Food and Health; 1.2.4 Detecting Metals and Pathogens; 1.2.5 Cancer Therapy; 1.2.6 Industrial Products; 1.2.7 Genetic Devices; 1.3 Biotechnological Applications of QSI; 1.3.1 Food Industry; 1.3.2 Aquaculture; 1.3.3 Health Care; QSIs from Microbes; QSIs of Plant Origin. QSIs of Animal Origin1.3.4 Anti-biofouling; 1.3.5 Agriculture; 1.4 Synergism Between Antibiotics and QSIs; 1.5 Fais Attention à QSI; 1.6 Field Trials; 1.6.1 Protecting Plants; 1.6.2 Drinking Water; 1.6.3 Health Sector; 1.7 Opinion; References; 2: Talking Through Chemical Languages: Quorum Sensing and Bacterial Communication; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Acyl Homoserine Lactone (AHL) Based Quorum Sensing; 2.2.1 AHL-Based Signalling Molecules; 2.2.2 Signal Production; 2.2.3 Signal Recognition and Transduction; 2.3 Peptide Based Quorum Sensing.
2.3.1 Peptide Signalling Molecules2.3.2 Signal Production; AgrD; AgrB; Mechanism of AIP Production; 2.3.3 Signal Recognition and Transduction; AgrC; AgrA; 2.4 Other Signalling Molecules; 2.4.1 Autoinducer 2 (AI-2); 2.4.2 DSF-Family; 2.4.3 PQS and IQS; 2.4.4 CAI-1; 2.4.5 DPO; 2.5 Conclusion; 2.6 Opinion; References; 3: Fundamentals of Bacterial Biofilm: Present State of Art; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Biofilm Structure; 3.3 Role of Biofilms in Microbial Communities; 3.3.1 Protection from Environment; 3.3.2 Nutrient Availability.
3.3.3 Acquisition of New Genetic Trait3.4 Factors Favoring Biofilm Formation; 3.4.1 Substratum Effect; 3.4.2 Conditioning Film; 3.4.3 Hydrodynamics; 3.4.4 Characteristics of Aqueous Medium; 3.4.5 Interaction of Bacterial Cells with Water Molecules; 3.4.6 Signaling System to Promote Biofilm Formation; Quorum Sensing (QS); 3.4.7 Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS); 3.4.8 Role of eDNA; 3.5 Bacterial Adhesion- Steps Involved in Biofilm Development; 3.5.1 The Sessile Mode of Bacterial Growth; 3.5.2 Bacterial Glycocalyx In Vivo In Vitro.
3.5.3 Microcolony Formation by Adherent Bacteria3.5.4 Consortium Formation by Adherent Bacteria; 3.6 Occurrence of Bacterial Biofilm: Predominance in Aquatic System; 3.7 Physiology of Biofilm Population; 3.8 Effects of Material Properties on Bacterial Adhesion; 3.8.1 Surface Charge; 3.8.2 Surface Energy; 3.8.3 Roughness and Topography; 3.9 Measuring Biofilm; 3.10 Removal of Biofilms; 3.10.1 Removal of Biofilms; 3.10.2 Regulation of Biofilm Formation; 3.11 Conclusions; References; 4: Phylogenomics and Evolutionary Perspective of Quorum Sensing Regulators (LuxI/LuxR) in Prokaryotes.
This book delves into the biotechnological applications of Quorum sensing (QS)- a peculiar gene-regulatory process of some microorganisms. Quorum Sensing allows a large bacterial population to work together in a coordinated manner to carry out metabolic activities, which individual bacterium cannot. The different chapters describe how, associating bioremediation process with energy generation is an economical proposal, for reducing pollution and managing biowastes. The book discusses how QS can be exploited for biotechnological applications in generating bioproducts, bioenergy, bioremediation, biosensors, health and agricultural activities. It further highlights how QS is becoming an integral part of synthetic biology for genetic circuits for producing: (i) novel products, (ii) biosensors, (iii) bioactive molecules, etc. The book is divided into different sections for a clear understanding of the applicability of QS in, the Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Health sectors.
Springer Nature
Quorum sensing and its biotechnological applications.