Nanoelectronics, circuits and communication systems :
proceeding of NCCS 2017 /
Vijay Nath, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, editors.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Lecture notes in electrical engineering,
volume 511
1876-1100 ;
Includes author index.
Intro; Preface; Editorial Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editors; 1 Classification of Medical Dataset Along with Topic Modeling Using LDA; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Survey; 3 Methodology; 4 Proposed Work; 4.1 Document Topic Modeling; 4.2 Word Cloud Generation; 5 Results and Discussions; 6 Conclusion; References; 2 Cloud-Based Intelligent System for Supply Chain Management: A Future Roadmap for SCM Technologies; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Background of Supply Chain Management; 2 Literature Review; 3 Research Methodology; 3.1 Method of Data Collection; 3.2 Survey Method
3.3 Sample Size for Survey3.4 Statistical Method; 4 IT with SCM; 5 SCMaaS; 6 Research Question; 7 Conceptual Framework; 8 Analysis and Interpretation; 9 Conclusion; References; 3 Effect of Processing Combined MFCC and DSCC Features with QCN for Hindi Vowel Classification in Noisy Environments; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Proposed Feature Set; 3 Experimental Setup; 3.1 Database Preparation; 3.2 Feature Extraction; 3.3 Classification; 4 Results; 4.1 Performance Evaluation for CI Cases; 4.2 Performance Evaluation for CD Cases; 5 Conclusions; References
3.4.2 AdaBoost Algorithm3.4.3 Region of Interest and Classification; 4 Conclusion; References; 6 Design and Analysis of Dedicated Power Converter for Hybrid Electric Vehicles; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Hardware Scheme of VSI; 3 Psim Based Simulation and Simulation Results; 4 Hardware Experimental Set up of Vsi; 5 Experimental Results; 6 Conclusion; References; 7 An Underground Mine Safety of Personnel's Using IoT; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature reviews; 3 Case Study; 4 Research Methodology; 5 Discussion; 6 Conclusion; References
4 The Impact of Knowledge Management and Data Mining on CRM in the Service IndustryAbstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Customer Relationship Management; 2 Knowledge Management and Data Mining; 2.1 Knowledge Management CRM; 3 Data Mining; 4 Data Mining and Analytical CRM; 5 Suggestion and Conclusion; References; 5 Efficient Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease-A Survey; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Survey; 3 Proposed Work-Discussion; 3.1 Image Acquisition; 3.2 Preprocessing; 3.3 Feature Extraction; 3.4 Automation Layer; 3.4.1 Haar Training
8 Implementation of Trapdoor Functionality to Two-Layer Encryption and Decryption by Using RSA-AES Cryptography AlgorithmsAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 3 System Model; 4 Problem Definition; 5 Algorithm; 5.1 RSA Algorithm; 6 Simulation Tools; 7 Conclusion; 8 Future Scope; References; 9 Experimental Validation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques Using Software-Defined Radio; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental Testbed; 3 Experimental Results and Discussion; 4 Conclusion; References; 10 Smart Switch for Power Saving; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Proposed System
This book features selected papers presented at Third International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems (NCCS 2017). Covering topics such as MEMS and nanoelectronics, wireless communications, optical communication, instrumentation, signal processing, Internet of Things, image processing, bioengineering, green energy, hybrid vehicles, environmental science, weather forecasting, cloud computing, renewable energy, RFID, CMOS sensors, actuators, transducers, telemetry systems, embedded systems, and sensor network applications in mines, it is a valuable resource for young scholars, researchers, and academics.
Springer Nature
Nanoelectronics, circuits and communication systems.
NCCS 2017
Internet of things, Congresses.
Nanoelectronics, Congresses.
Wireless communication systems, Congresses.
Internet of things.
Wireless communication systems.
TEC-- 009070
Mandal, Jyotsna Kumar,1960-
Nath, Vijay, (Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering)
International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems(3rd :2017 :, Rānchī, India)