The evolution of the non-market economy treatment in the multilateral trading system /
Bin Zhang.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Boxes; 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Non-market Economy: Definition; 1.2 The Transition of Non-market Economies; 1.3 Non-market Economies in the Multilateral Trading System; 2 The Non-market Economy Treatment: Theoretical Perspectives; 2.1 New Institutional Economics: Institutional Change, Institutional Conflict and Ideology; 2.1.1 Institutional Change and Institutional Competition; 2.1.2 Institutional Conflict and Ideology.
2.1.3 Liberalism and Socialism: From Ideological Conflict to Institutional Conflict2.2 International Political Economy: International Conflict, International Cooperation and International Institution; 2.2.1 National Interest and International Conflict; 2.2.2 International Institution and International Cooperation: Demand, Supply and Change of International Institutions; 2.2.3 Conflict Under Cooperation or Vice Versa: The MTS's Strategies of Containment and Engagement Towards the NMEs; 2.3 Political Economy of the Multilateral Trading System: Non-discrimination and Reciprocity.
2.3.1 Reciprocity and Its Rationale2.3.2 Reciprocity and Non-discrimination: Supplementary or Contradictory; 2.3.3 Non-reciprocity and Politically Conditional MFN: Two Different Modes of Cooperation Under the MTS; 2.4 The Non-market Economy Arrangements in the Multilateral Trading System: Connotation and Evolution; 2.4.1 The Formation of the NME Arrangements; 2.4.2 The Connotation and the Nature of the NME Arrangements; 2.4.3 The Evolving Path of the NME Arrangements; 2.5 Two-Dimensional Game: The Logic Behind the Evolution of the Non-market Economy Arrangements; 2.6 Conclusions.
3 The Origin of the Non-market Economy Treatment3.1 The Birth of the Import Commitment Mechanism; 3.2 The Formation and Implementation of the Antidumping Surrogate Price Methodology; 3.3 Conclusions; 4 The Non-market Economy Treatment for Small Planned Economies; 4.1 The Accession of Planned Economies to the Multilateral Trading System; 4.1.1 Yugoslavia's Accession to the GATT; 4.1.2 Poland's Accession to the GATT; 4.1.3 Romania's Accession to the GATT; 4.1.4 Hungary's Accession to the GATT; 4.1.5 Bulgaria's Accession to the GATT; 4.2 The GATT-Minus Provisions for the Planned Economy Members.
4.2.1 Import Commitments4.2.2 Quantitative Restrictions; 4.2.3 Specific Safeguard Mechanism; 4.2.4 Antidumping Surrogate Price Methodology; 4.2.5 Periodic Review of the Accession Protocol; 4.3 The Implementation of the GATT-Minus Provisions; 4.3.1 The Periodic Review Under the Accession Protocol; 4.3.2 The Implementation of the Specific Safeguard Mechanism; 4.3.3 The Further Development of the Antidumping Surrogate Price Methodology; The Evolution the U.S. Legislation and Their Effects on GATT Rules; The Development the EC Legislation.
This book tries to integrate the different arrangements devised in the MTS for small and large NMEs into one analytical framework and explores two sets of rules (GATT/WTO-minus and GATT/WTO-plus) along three historical stages (shaping, weakening and strengthening). The focal point of this book is to uncover the composition and structure of the NME treatment in the MTS, its evolving logic and process, and the nature and trend of the political-economic relations between NMEs and the MTS.--
Springer Nature
Evolution of the non-market economy treatment in the multilateral trading system.