Intro; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; Similar Post-War Development Paths; Some Differences; Theoretical Explanations; Private Enterprises' Contribution to the Economic Boom; The State Policy; The US Factor; AFC as a Watershed; South Korea's Relatively More Resilient Economy; South Korea's GDP per Capita Has Surpassed Taiwan Since 2003; More Rapid Growth of Taiwan's Income Inequality Ratio; South Korea Received More FDI than Taiwan; South Korea's Relatively Lower Unemployment Rate; Research Questions, Objectives, Strategies, and Organization of the Book
Comparison of Taiwan and South Korea's Merchandise Trade DevelopmentComparison of Taiwan's and South Korea's Service Trade Development; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6: New Challenges Ahead (I): Growing Income Inequality; Measuring Income Inequality; Growing Income Inequality After the Hollowing Out of Manufacturing Production; Wage Differences by Company's Size and by Type of Contract; Employees' Wage Stagnation Versus Business Owners' Wealth Expansion; Rising Housing Prices Increasing Income Inequality; Conclusion; References; Chapter 7: New Challenges Ahead (II): Aging Population
ConclusionReferences; Chapter 3: The Changing Role of SMEs in Taiwan's and South Korea's Economies; SMEs in Taiwan's and South Korea's Economy: A Comparison; Definitions of SMEs; Changing Importance of SMEs in Taiwan's and South Korea's Economies; Comparison of SMEs in Taiwan's and South Korea's Manufacturing Sectors; Comparison of SMEs in Taiwan's and South Korea's Services; Comparing the Main SME Policies of Both Governments; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Comparing Governments' Policies in Promoting Economic Growth (I): Industrial Upgrading Policies
Manufacturing-Driven Economic Growth Despite Large Presence of Services in the EconomyThe need for industrial upgrading; Overview of Taiwan's Industrial Upgrading Policies; Overview of South Korea's Main Industrial Upgrading Policies; Changes in export commodities; Strong Reliance on Foreign Technology Despite the Large R & D Spending; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5: Comparing Governments' Policies in Promoting the Economic Growth (II): Free Trade Policy; Taiwan's FTA Strategy: FTAs as Diplomatic Breakthrough; South Korea's FTA Strategy: FTA as an Engine for Economic Growth
This book purports to investigate and compare the economic development experiences in both Taiwan and South Korea in last two decades. Taiwan and South Korea's economic development after WWII is a well-known story. However, their development after the successful post-war industrialization has not been comprehensively studied. The book examines whether the three factors - the role of private business, government policy, and foreign influence - that had contributed to Taiwan's and Korea's post-war development, are still relevant during the post-industrial development era.