Metropolitan governance in Asia and the Pacific Rim :
borders, challenges, futures /
Bligh Grant, Cathy Yang Liu, Lin Ye, editors.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Contributors; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Motivation for Book; 1.2 Outline of Chapters; References; Borders; 2 Russian Borderland Towns Vis-à-Vis the Japanese Other: Outposts, Destinations, and Gateways; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Conceptual Background; 2.3 Geography and Pre-1990s History; 2.4 Remaining as Outposts; 2.5 Emerging Destinations; 2.6 Partially Restoring the Gateway Function; 2.7 Conclusion; References; 3 Toward a Defensive Global City: Urban (In)security in an Age of Terror-The Case of Jakarta, Indonesia; 3.1 Introduction: Global Cities and Security Issues
3.2 The Phenomenon of Urban Terror3.3 Defensive Urban Planning: Historical Context and the Perspective from Urban Planning and Design; 3.4 Terrorism in Indonesia; 3.5 Experiences of Terror in Jakarta: Examining Public Perceptions; 3.6 Promoting a Safer City Through Defensive Urban Design: Lessons Learned and Current Challenges for Jakarta; 3.7 Conclusion; References; 4 Bordering Practices in Global Sydney: Becoming a City-Region or a "Metropolis of Three Cities"?; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Theory: Bordering Territories and Regions
4.3 Context: Sydney Metropolitan Planning Strategies and the Sydney Global City Region4.4 Plans and Strategies and the Performance of Borders; 4.5 Conclusion and Discussion; References; Challenges; 5 Upgrading Housing Settlement for the Urban Poor in Indonesia: An Analysis of the Kampung Deret Program; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Literature Review of Upgrading Housing Settlements; 5.3 Democratization of Indonesian Government and the Transformation of Housing Policy; 5.4 Contemporary Housing Policies in Indonesia; 5.4.1 Self-help Housing; 5.4.2 Public Housing; 5.4.3 Cross-Subsidy
5.5 Upgrading Housing Settlement Through the Kampung Deret Program5.5.1 Kampung and the Failure of Low-Income Housing Markets; 5.5.2 Land Tenure; 5.5.3 Funding and Beneficiaries; 5.5.4 Housing Development Process; 5.5.5 Changes in Social and Economic Conditions; 5.6 Important Ingredients of Upgrading Housing Settlements for the Urban Poor; 5.7 Observations; References; 6 Comparing Informal Sector Engagement Across Pakistan's Largest Urban Centers: Lessons in State and Non-state Engagement from Karachi and Lahore; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
6.3 Methodology6.4 The Informal Sector in Pakistan; 6.4.1 Upper Tier Engagement with the Informal Sector; 6.4.2 Lower Tier Engagement of the Informal Sector; 6.5 Secondary Research Findings; 6.5.1 Karachi's Institutional Landscape; 6.5.2 Lahore's Institutional Landscape; 6.6 Primary Research Findings; 6.7 Analysis; 6.7.1 Upper Tier Neglect of the Informal Sector; 6.7.2 Intergovernmental Disconnections and Neglected Alternatives; 6.7.3 Community-Led Development; 6.8 Conclusion; References; 7 China's New Suburban Reality: An Attempt to Systematically Define the Chinese Suburb; 7.1 Introduction
This edited collection examines seminal changes and major policy challenges in metropolitan governance in Asia and the Pacific Rim that are being faced by governments (national and sub-national) and their polities. The book builds upon the work of the largest stream at the Urban Affairs Association's (UAA) Annual Conference (Urban Issues in Asia and the Pacific Rim) - specifically, the chapters arose from presentations at the 2016 UAA Annual Conference in San Diego and ensuing discussions and debates. The book is framed by three over-arching narratives: • the increased importance (economic, political and cultural) of the Asian region within strategic discussions of planetary urbanism and the problematisation of the concept of the Asian region as an element of these discussions • the challenges engendered by the rapid pace of development (again, economic, political and cultural) and the endorsement, tacit or otherwise, of developmentalism in many of the polities under consideration • the increased salience of metropolitan and urban areas, vis-à-vis other levels of governance (national; local; supra-national), particularly how it is seen as key in addressing these challenges.