Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Editors; Contributors; Chapter 1: Corrosive Injuries of the Oesophagus; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Epidemiology; 1.3 Pathophysiology; 1.4 Phases of Injury; 1.5 Acute Phase; 1.5.1 Clinical Presentation; 1.6 Diagnosis; 1.6.1 Endoscopy; 1.6.2 Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS); 1.6.3 Fibre-Optic Bronchoscopy; 1.7 Imaging; 1.7.1 Chest and Abdomen Radiograph; 1.7.2 Oral Contrast Study; 1.7.3 CECT Chest and Abdomen; 1.8 Management; 1.8.1 Acute Phase; 1.8.2 Grade 1 and 2a Injury; 1.8.3 Grade 2b and 3 Injury; 1.8.4 Late Sequelae; 1.9 Preoperative Work-Up; 1.9.1 Oral Contrast Study.
1.9.2 Indirect Laryngoscopy (IDL) and Hypopharyngoscopy1.9.3 Endoscopy; 1.9.4 Psychiatric Evaluation/Counselling; 1.10 Indications for Surgery; 1.10.1 Preoperative Preparation; 1.10.2 Timing of Reconstruction; 1.11 Management of Pharyngo-oesophageal Stricture (PES); 1.12 Choice of Conduit; 1.12.1 Stomach; 1.12.2 Colon; 1.12.3 Jejunum; 1.13 Resection or Bypass of the Oesophagus; 1.13.1 Routes of Bypass; 1.14 Postoperative Care; 1.15 Outcomes; 1.15.1 Early Outcomes; 1.16 Conclusions; References; Chapter 2: Post-gastrectomy Complications; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Immediate Complications.
2.2.1 Respiratory Complications2.2.2 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE); 2.2.3 Infective Complications; 2.2.4 Postoperative Pancreatitis; 2.3 Early Complications; 2.3.1 Gastroparesis/DGE; 2.3.2 Anastomotic Leak; 2.3.3 Duodenal Stump Blowout; 2.3.4 Small Bowel Obstruction; 2.4 Late Complications; 2.4.1 Enterogastric Bile Reflux; 2.4.2 Dumping; 2.4.3 Postvagotomy Diarrhoea; 2.4.4 Afferent Loop Syndrome; 2.4.5 Efferent Loop Syndrome; 2.4.6 Roux Stasis Syndrome; 2.4.7 Jejunogastric Intussusception; 2.4.8 Nutritional Problems; 2.5 Christian Medical College Experience.
4.5.1 Biliary Fistulae4.5.2 Mirizzi's Syndrome; References; Chapter 5: Gall Bladder Cancer with Jaundice: The Unscaled Frontier; 5.1 Aetiopathogenesis; 5.2 Anatomy; 5.3 Pathology; 5.4 Surgical Implications of SOJ in GBC; 5.5 Differential Diagnosis; 5.6 Investigations; 5.7 Preoperative Preparation; 5.8 Results of Surgery in Patients with GBC and SOJ; 5.8.1 Quality of Studies; 5.9 Prognosis; 5.10 Conclusion; References; Chapter 6: Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery: What the Future Holds for This Field?; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Evolution; 6.3 Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Resection.
The 24th volume of this highly successful series includes new contemporary topics such as corrosive injuries of the oesophagus, post-gastrectomy complications, advances in imaging of inflammatory bowel disease, unusual presentations of gallstones, gall bladder cancer with jaundice, minimally invasive pancreatic surgery, and enhanced recovery after surgery. Finally, the chapter on advances in GI surgery, like in each past volume, reviews important new developments in the field. The GI Surgery Annual 24th Volume provides an overall roundup of selected topics that were deemed particularly relevant and topical by the series editors.