Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction to the Application of the Fracture Mechanics in Wood and Bamboo; Abstract; 1.1 Brief History of Fracture Mechanics; 1.2 Mechanics of Materials and Fracture Mechanics; 1.3 Brief Review of the Fracture Mechanics of Wood; 1.3.1 The Strength Prediction of Wood Materials; 1.3.2 The Application of Fracture Mechanics Combined with Acoustic Emission (AE) in the Propagation Mechanism of Wood Crack; 1.3.3 Researches on the Fracture Property of Bamboo; 1.4 The Main Contents of This Book; References.
2 Mechanical Characteristics and Stress-Strain Relationship of Wood StructureAbstract; 2.1 The Mechanical Characteristics of Wood Structure; 2.2 The Stress-Strain Relation of Solid Material; 2.3 Engineering Elastic Constants; 2.4 Engineering Elastic Constants of Wood; 2.5 The Concept of Plane Stress and Plane Strain; 2.5.1 Uniform Thickness Plate and Plane Stress; 2.5.2 Infinite Cylinder and Plane Strain; 2.5.3 The Stress-Strain Relationship in Plane Problem; 2.6 Tests of Wood Elastic Coefficients; 2.6.1 The Application of Electrometric Method on Wood Elastic Coefficients.
2.6.2 The Application of DSCM on Wood Elastic Coefficients2.6.2.1 The Limitation of Elastic Coefficients; References; 3 Fracture of Wood Along Grain; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Theory of LEFM; 3.2.1 Crack; 3.2.2 Stress Intensity Factor K and K Criterion; 3.2.3 Energy Release Rate G and G Criterion; 3.2.4 Relationship Between K and G; 3.3 Fracture Mechanics of Anisotropic Material; 3.4 The Special Application of LEFM on Wood; 3.5 The Stress Intensity Factor KIC of Wood Fracture Along Grain; 3.5.1 The Methods to Test Stress Intensity Factor.
3.5.2 The {\varvec K}_{{\bf IC}}^{{\bf TL}} of CT Samples with Different Thickness3.5.3 The {\varvec K}_{{\bf IC}}^{{\bf TL}} of WOL Samples with Different Crack Length; 3.6 The Fracture Toughness {\varvec G}_{{\bf IC}}^{{\bf TL}} Along Grain of Wood by Energy Method; 3.6.1 Materials and Samples; 3.6.2 Test and Results; 3.6.3 The Relationship Between Stress Intensity Factor and Energy Release Rate; 3.7 Mode III Fracture Property of Wood Along Grain; 3.7.1 Introduction; 3.7.2 Material and Method; 3.7.3 Test and Results; 3.8 Conclusions; References; 4 Transverse Fracture of Wood; Abstract.
4.1 Introduction4.2 Analysis on Stress Field at Crack Tip; 4.3 The Cracking Direction of Transverse Crack; 4.4 Test of Critical Stress Intensity Factor; 4.4.1 Material and Method; 4.4.2 Test and Results; 4.5 The Influence of Transverse Crack on the Normal Strength of Wood; 4.5.1 Influence of Crack Perpendicular to Grain on MOR of Wood; 4.5.2 Influence of Crack Perpendicular to Grain on Impact Toughness of Wood; 4.5.3 Influence of Crack Perpendicular to Grain on Tensile Strength of Wood; 4.5.4 Discussion.
This book introduces readers to the application of fracture mechanics and mesomechanics to the analysis of the fracture behaviors of wood and bamboo. It presents a range of research methods to study the fracture behaviors of wood and bamboo, taking into account their various fracture mechanisms resulting from differences in their macroscopic and microscopic structures. It combines theoretical analysis with experiments, as well as various mathematical tools and experimental approaches. The research methods are illustrated by simple schematic diagrams, and the results obtained are largely presented as tables and figures, helping to make the book concise and compact. As such, it provides a valuable guide to the development of new biocomposites that possess exceptional strength and toughness properties and successfully overcome the shortcomings of biomaterials.