Intro; Preface; Contents; Editors and Contributors; List of Figures; Chapter 1 Conceptualizing Strategic Partnerships; Abstract; Evolution of Interests; Defining Strategic Partnerships; Aim and Design of the Book; Chapter 2 Evolution of India-Japan Ties: Prospects and Limitations; Abstract; Introduction; Early Twentieth Century Through the End of the Cold War; Before India's Independence; From Indian Independence Until the Early 1960s; From the 1960s Until the End of the Cold War; (Gradual) Rediscovery After the Cold War; Economics; The Nuclear Issue
American Interests and Support for Japan-India/Trilateral RelationsPossible Constraints on American Support for and Interests in Japan-India and Trilateral Relations; Conclusions and Recommendations; Chapter 6 Conclusion; Abstract; Index
Challenges Faced by Japan in the Twenty-First CenturyNegative Side of China's Rise in East China Sea and South China Sea; Changing Military Balance: The Background Reality; The Positive Side of China's Rise; Emerging New "Alliance" System; India as Japan's Trustworthy Defence Partner; India Is a Democratic Country; India Is Not Likely to Challenge the Status Quo in South Asia; The Experience of International Cooperation; The Role of Japan-India Defence Cooperation; The Linkage of the India-China Border Area and the East China Sea
India's Rise Helps Lower the Heavy Burden of Japan and the United States in the Indian OceanChina Has Started to Increase Its Military Activities in the Indian Ocean; India Will Be the Most Influential Sea Power to Fill the Power Vacuum of the Indian Ocean Region; The Potential Contribution of Japan-India Defence Cooperation in the Indian Ocean; Japan and India Can Collaborate to Support Countries Around South China Sea; Conclusion; Chapter 5 Integrating an Ally and an Aligner in a Principled Security Network: The United States and the India-Japan Strategic Partnership; Abstract; Introduction
The Rise of China and the Role of the United StatesAvenues for Cooperation and Limitations; India-Southeast Asia Connectivity; International Institutions; Other Issue Areas; Conclusion; Chapter 3 A Confluence of Two Strategies: The Japan-India Security Partnership in the Indo-Pacific; Abstract; Introduction; China's Rise, Japan's Normalization; The India-China Rivalry; A Confluence of Two Strategies; Limitations to the Strategic Partnership; Conclusion: Widening the Scope of Cooperation; Chapter 4 Why Japan Needs India as a Defence Partner; Abstract
This volume focuses on the rapidly expanding strategic relationship between India and Japan, expanding on the hitherto under-analyzed concept of "strategic partnership," tracing the history of the interaction, and gauging its current and future trajectories. The rise of China and its challenge to U.S. dominance of the global system is the setting in which the partnership has assumed a major profile, incorporating both defence and economic cooperation on an unprecedented scale. The increasing congruence of Indian and Japanese interests is juxtaposed with the inherent limitations of the partnership to portray a complex picture of a kind of strategic relationship that has become a staple of contemporary international politics.
Springer Nature
International relations.
International relations.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Government-- International.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- International Relations-- General.