Global perspectives on workers' and labour organizations /
Maurizio Atzeni, Immanuel Ness, editors.
Singapore :
1 online resource
Work, organization and employment
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Contents; Introduction; Transformations of Capitalism and the World of Work; Precarious Work and the Organization of Workers; Book Summary; References; Life Reproduction in Urban Spaces; 1 Rethinking Labor Unionism in Spaces of Precarious Work; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Precarious Work and the New Capitalism; 1.3 Precarity and the Labor Movement; 1.4 Labor's Regulatory Strategies in Urban Space; 1.5 From Regulatory Strategies to Rethinking Labor Unionism; Works Cited
2 Organizing Immigrant Workers Through 'Communities of Coping': An Analysis of Migrant Domestic Workers' Journey from an Individual Labour of Love to a Collective Labour with RightsAbstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Community Organizing of Immigrant Workers; 2.3 Industrial Context and 'Community of Coping'; 2.4 Research Methodology; 2.5 The Maternalistic and Servant Dynamics in the Domestic Worker Sector; 2.6 Redefining Employer/Employee Relationship and Fostering Labour Solidarity; 2.7 Outcomes: Organizing for Whom, and for What?; 2.8 Conclusion; References
3 Mobilizing Concealment and Spectacle Among Uruguay's Waste-PickersAbstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Waste Work and Precarious Labor Organizing; 3.3 The Spectacular Politics of the UCRUS; 3.4 Labor at the Landfill: Affect and Concealment; 3.5 Reconfiguring Struggle at the Aries Recycling Plant; 3.6 Conclusion; References; 4 Local Sweatshops in the Global Economy: Accumulation Dynamics and the Manufacturing of a Reserve Army; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Some Definitions on Sweatshops and Forced Labour; 4.3 Accumulation Dynamics and the Return of the Sweatshop
4.4 Fashion as a Problem for Workers4.5 Manufacturing a Reserve Army; 4.6 Responses to Abuses in Local Sweatshops; 4.7 Lessons from the Anti-sweatshop Movement in Buenos Aires; 4.8 Conclusions; Bibliography; 5 Labour Politics and South African Retail Workers: Enduring Collectivities in the Face of Precariousness; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Labour Politics: The Limits of the Spectacular and the Strategic; 5.3 Retail Worker Politics Constituted and Reshaped; 5.4 Wal-Mart: Collectivities and Contradictions; 5.4.1 Wal-Mart, Massmart and the Complexity of Company Terrain
5.4.2 Cambridge Food: Labour Broking, Precarious Conditions and Branch Collectives5.5 Game: Shop Stewards, Union Advances but Victimisation; 5.6 Conclusion; References; Value Production in Industries; 6 The Collective Resistance of China's Industrial Workers; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Re-emergence of Labor Markets in Post-socialist China; 6.3 Anti-privatization Protests by Chinese State Workers; 6.4 Chinese Rural Migrant Worker Resistance; 6.5 Student Interns or Cheap Workers?; 6.6 Subcontracted Workers and Work Inequalities
This book broadens the research on the underworld of precarious and not-represented workers, through a selection of original case studies from across the globe written by leading experts. The book unveils the working conditions affecting this vast labour force that is so important to capital accumulation in the global age. It also helps us to understand the forms and processes of organization that these groups of workers, almost on an everyday basis, put in place to improve their working conditions and lived experiences.
Springer Nature
Global perspectives on workers' and labour organizations.