Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Author; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Research Background; 1.2 Research Contributions; 1.3 Research Structure; 1.4 Research Framework; References; 2 Literature Review; 2.1 Definition of Adoptive Management Innovation; 2.2 Why Management Innovation Matters; 2.3 Research Perspectives on Management Innovation; 2.3.1 Condition Perspective; 2.3.2 Effectiveness Perspective; 2.3.3 Diffusion Perspective; 2.3.4 Process Perspective; 2.4 Research Issues and Research Methods; References; 3 What Is the Process Through Which Adoptive Management Innovation Occurs?
3.1 Introduction3.2 Method; 3.2.1 The Case Study; 3.2.2 Data Collection; 3.2.3 Data Analysis; 3.3 Findings; 3.3.1 Adoption Decision; 3.3.2 Implementation; 3.4 Discussion; 3.4.1 The Framework of Adoptive Management Innovation Process; 3.4.2 Implications for Theory; 3.4.3 Implications for Practice; 3.5 Conclusion; References; 4 How Do Managers Make the Decision of Adoptinga Management Innovation?; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Adoption Decision Process and the Roles of Managers; 4.3 Three-Dimension Decision Model; 4.3.1 The Dimension of Entrepreneurial Orientation; 4.3.2 The Dimension of Social Network
4.3.3 The Dimension of Cognitive Biases4.4 Method; 4.4.1 Data Collection; 4.4.2 Measures; 4.4.3 Model Approach; 4.5 Analysis; 4.5.1 Model Modification; 4.5.2 Coefficients Estimation; 4.5.3 Effect Analysis; 4.6 Discussion; 4.7 Conclusion; References; 5 How Should Firms Deeply Implement Adoptive Management Innovation?; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Organizational Routine and Innovation; 5.2.1 Organizational Routine; 5.2.2 Organizational Routine and Innovation; 5.2.3 Components of Organizational Routines; 5.3 Method; 5.3.1 The Case Study; 5.3.2 The Case Subject; 5.3.3 Data Collection
5.3.4 Data Analysis and Coding5.4 Case Analysis: Evolution of Organizational Routines in Innovation Implementation; 5.4.1 The Existing-Organizational-Routine-Domination Phase; 5.4.2 The New-Routine-Creation Phase; 5.4.3 The New-Routine-Solidification Phase; 5.5 Discussion; 5.5.1 The Framework of Routine Evolution in Innovation Implementation; 5.5.2 Implications for Theory; 5.5.3 Implications for Practice; 5.5.4 Limitations and Future Directions; 5.6 Offers a Conclusion; References; 6 How Do Dynamic Capabilities Drive Adoptive Management Innovation?; 6.1 Introduction
6.2 Measurement of Adoptive Management Innovation6.3 Dynamic Capabilities and Management Innovation; 6.3.1 The Relationship Between Dynamic Capabilities and Management Innovation; 6.3.2 Components of Dynamic Capabilities; 6.4 Hypotheses; 6.4.1 Sensing Capability and Adoptive Management Innovation; 6.4.2 Absorptive Capacity and Adoptive Management Innovation; 6.4.3 Integrative Capability and Adoptive Management Innovation; 6.4.4 Relational Capability and Adoptive Management Innovation; 6.4.5 The Fundamental Role of Relational Capability; 6.5 Method; 6.5.1 Research Setting and Data Collection
This book discusses adoptive management innovation, which has been successfully implemented in other areas. It proposes a theory on this field by considering the importance and popularity of adoptive management innovation in China and around the globe, and focusing on its nature. It also establishes a process framework through which adoptive management innovation occurs, explores how individual characteristics of individual managers affect their adoption decision, examines the effects of a firm's dynamic capability on each phase of adoptive innovation, and addresses how intangible management innovation supports the process of tangible product innovation to produce effects. By exploring the process, adoption decision, drivers and effects of adoptive management innovation, the book offers abundant applications for managerial practice.