Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction: Through Innovative Dimensions; 1.1 About This Book; 1.2 Scope of "Resilience" and "Public Policy"; 1.3 Interface Between "Resilience" and "Public Policy"; 1.3.1 Systems Approach; 1.3.2 System Linkages; 1.3.3 System Capacity; 1.4 Structure of This Book; References; 2 A Modern Risk Society and Resilience-Based Public Policy: Structural Views; 2.1 A Modern Risk Society; 2.1.1 Changing "Risk Society"; 2.1.2 Structure of Changing Risk Landscape; 2.2 Cascading Disaster Risks: Impacts on Human, Natural, and Social Systems
2.3 Linkage Among a Modern Risk Society, Human-Social-Natural Systems, and Resilience-Based Public Policy: Case of Tsunami and Seawall Construction2.3.1 Overview; 2.3.2 Brief Policy Formation Process; 2.3.3 Association with a Modern Risk Society and Human, Social, and Natural Systems; 2.3.4 The Role of Resilience-Based Public Policy: Policy Problems Through Lenses of Resilience; 2.4 The Outline and Basic Models of Resilience-Based Public Policy: Structural Views; 2.4.1 A Basic Outline of Resilience-Based Public Policy; 2.4.2 Resilience-Based Public Policy Basic Models; References
3 Resilience-Based Approaches and Public Policy: Operational Views3.1 Foundation for Resilience-Based Approaches from Operational Views; 3.1.1 Underlying Basis; 3.1.2 Role of Operational Views; 3.1.3 Existing Studies; 3.1.4 A Key Tool for Operational Resilience; 3.2 A Framework and Practices for Resilience-Based Approaches from Operational Views; 3.2.1 Principles and Operational Components for Resilience-Based Approaches; 3.2.2 Key Features for Resilience-Based Approaches; 3.3 Practices with Case Examples; 3.3.1 Community Level; 3.3.2 Organizational Level; 3.3.3 Project Level
3.4 Incorporating Resilience into Programs/Projects3.5 Conclusion and Policy Implication: From Resilience-Based Approaches Toward Resilience-Based Public Policy; References; 4 Nexus of Resilience and Public Policy: Tohoku Disaster Cases; 4.1 Nexus of Resilience and Public Policy in Disaster Risk Management; 4.1.1 Linkages Between Disaster Risk Management and Public Policy; 4.1.2 Characteristics of the Tohoku Disaster in a Modern Risk Society; 4.2 Review of Preparedness and Mobilization Phases; 4.3 Review of Response and Recovery/Evaluation and Knowledge Integration Phases; 4.3.1 Overview
4.3.2 Addressing the Unexpected4.3.3 Addressing Cascading and Complex Disaster; 4.3.4 Addressing Cascading Impacts and Vulnerable People; 4.3.5 Resilience-Based Public Policy Views; 4.4 Conclusion, Lessons Learned, and Policy Implications; References; 5 Nexus of Resilience and Public Policy: Case of Hurricane Sandy in New York; 5.1 Nexus of Resilience and Public Policy in Disaster/Climate Risk Management and Sustainability; 5.1.1 Background; 5.1.2 The Nexus; 5.1.3 Characteristics of the Hurricane Sandy in a Modern Risk Society; 5.2 Review of Preparedness and Mobilization Phases
This is the first book to articulate resilience-based public policy for a constantly changing, complex, and uncertain risk society. Its primary focus is on operationalizing resilience, i.e., on incorporating elements of resilience in public policy in the context of our modern risk society. While there is a wealth of literature on resilience and disaster risk management, there are few publications that focus on the nexus of resilience and public policy, resulting in gaps between various fields and public policy for resilient societies and disaster risk management. In response, this book integrates the latest theoretical insights on public policy and resilience and the latest practical analyses of case studies such as the Tohoku Disaster (Great East Japan Earthquake) in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy on the North American East Coast in 2012 to provide policy tools for future resilient societies and disaster risk management. The recent disaster cases illustrate that our changing, complex and uncertain risk environment requires far more resilience-based public policy through co-production of knowledge than is normally required for conventional disasters. By linking various fields and public policy, the book articulates a resilience-based public policy, i.e., the incorporation of resilience into various entities by designing and implementing "linkages." These include national-to-local linkages, linkages between different entities such as scientific communities and decision makers, and linkages between financial, human, and information resources. Thus, the nexus of resilience and public policy presented in this book aims at better public policy to face a changing and complex risk society, together with fundamental uncertainties at regional, national, and local levels around the world.