Intro; Preface; Contents; Part I: Background; Chapter 1: Introduction: Computational Pulse Diagnosis; 1.1 Principle of Pulse Signal; 1.2 Traditional Pulse Diagnosis; 1.3 Computational Pulse Signal Analysis; 1.4 Summary; References; Part II: Pulse Signal Acquisition; Chapter 2: Compound Pressure Signal Acquisition; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Application Scenario and Requirement Analysis; 2.3 System Architecture; 2.3.1 Mechanical Structure; 2.3.2 Sensor; 2.3.3 Circuit; 2.3.4 Summary; 2.4 System Evaluation; 2.4.1 Sampled Pulse Signals; 2.4.2 Computational Pulse Diagnosis.
2.4.3 Comparisons with Other Pulse Sampling Systems2.5 Summary; References; Chapter 3: Pulse Signal Acquisition Using Multi-sensors; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Framework of the Proposed System; 3.2.1 Pulse Collecting; 3.2.2 Pulse Processing and Interaction Design; 3.3 Design of the Different Sensor Arrays; 3.3.1 Pressure Sensor; 3.3.2 Photoelectric Sensor Array; 3.3.3 Combination of Pressure and Photoelectric Sensor Arrays; 3.4 Multichannel Optimization; 3.4.1 Selection of Base Channel; 3.4.2 Multichannel Selection; 3.5 The Optimization of Different Sensors Fusion; 3.6 Experimental Results.
3.6.1 Experiment 13.6.2 Experiment 2; 3.7 Summary; References; Part III: Pulse Signal Preprocessing; Chapter 4: Baseline Wander Correction in Pulse Waveforms Using Wavelet-Based Cascaded Adaptive Filter; 4.1 Introduction; 4.1.1 Pulse Waveform Analysis; 4.1.2 Related Works on Baseline Drift Removal; 4.2 The Proposed CAF; 4.2.1 The Design of CAF; 4.2.2 Detection Level of Baseline Drift Using ER; Why Detect ER; How to Compute the ER of Pulse Signal; 4.2.3 The Discrete Meyer Wavelet Filter; Design of the Discrete Meyer Wavelet Filter. Performance of Discrete Meyer Wavelet Filter on Pulse Waveform4.2.4 Cubic Spline Estimation Filter; Detecting Pulse's Onsets; Cubic Spline Estimation; 4.3 Simulated Signals: Experimental Results and Analysis; 4.3.1 Experimental Results of the CAF for Different Baseline Drifts; 4.3.2 Experimental Results for Different ER Thresholds; 4.3.3 Experimental Results for Several Typical Pulses; 4.4 Experimental Results for Actual Pulse Records; 4.5 Summary; References; Chapter 5: Detection of Saturation and Artifact; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Saturation and Artifact.
5.2.1 Saturation5.2.2 Artifact; 5.3 The Detection of Saturation and Artifact; 5.3.1 The Preprocessing and the Priority; 5.3.2 Saturation Detection; 5.3.3 Artifact Detection; 5.4 Experimental Results; 5.4.1 Saturation Detection; 5.4.2 Artifact Detection; 5.5 Summary; References; Chapter 6: Optimized Preprocessing Framework for Wrist Pulse Analysis; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Description of Pulse Database; 6.2.1 Data Acquisition; 6.2.2 Time Domain Characteristic; 6.2.3 Frequency Domain Characteristic; 6.3 Proposed Pulse Preprocessing Method; 6.3.1 Pulse Denoising; 6.3.2 Interval Selection.
This book describes the latest advances in pulse signal analysis and their applications in classification and diagnosis. First, it provides a comprehensive introduction to useful techniques for pulse signal acquisition based on different kinds of pulse sensors together with the optimized acquisition scheme. It then presents a number of preprocessing and feature extraction methods, as well as case studies of the classification methods used. Lastly it discusses some promising directions for the future study and clinical applications of pulse signal analysis. The book is a valuable resource for researchers, professionals and postgraduate students working in the field of pulse diagnosis, signal processing, pattern recognition and biometrics. It is also useful for those involved in interdisciplinary research.