Tony Whitten, Sengli J. Damanik, Jazanul Anwar, Nazaruddin Hisyam.
[Hong Kong] :
1 online resource.
The ecology of Indonesia series ;
v. 1
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; Foreword to the Original Edition; Preface to the Original Edition; Reflections on Sumatra: 1983-1998; PART A Introduction; 1. Background; Geomorphological and Geological History; Soils; Climates; Palaeoclimate; Present Climate; Vegetation; Palaeovegetation; Present Vegetation; Fauna; Palaeofauna; Present Fauna; Biogeography; Differences between Realms/Zones; Differences within the Sunda Region; Differences within Sumatra; Prehistory and History; Prehistory of Man; History- Its Effects on Natural Ecosystems; PART B Natural Ecosystems; 2. Mangrove Forests
5. Peatswamp ForestsIntroduction; Peatswamp Formation; Formation of Ombrogenous Peatswamp; Formation of Topogenous Peatswamp; Drainage and Drainage Water; Vegetation; Composition; Structure; Ecological Consequences of Low Nutrient Levels; Ecological Consequences of High Levels of Secondary Compounds; Microorganisms; Aquatic Animals; Terrestrial Animals; 6. Freshwater-Swamp Forests; Introduction; Soils; Vegetation; Composition and Structure; Adaptations to Floods; Fauna; 7. Lowland Forests; Introduction; Diversity of Plants; Diversity of Animals; Vegetation; Characteristics
IntroductionImportant Physical Features; Tides; Salinity; Temperature; Surface Currents; Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen; Smnmary of Water Quality in a Mangrove Forest; Energy Flow and the Importance of Mangrove Vegetation to Fisheries; The Vegetation; Tree Species; Zonation; Plant Succession; Geomorphological Change; Physiological Response to Soil-Water Salinity; Differential Dispersal of Propagules; Biomass and Productivity; Tannins; The Coastline of Eastern Sumatra and the Role of Mangroves in Land Extension; Fauna; The Challenges of Living in Mangroves
TemperatureDissolved Oxygen; Nutrients and Conductivity; Light Penetration; Stability; Biotic Patterns in Lakes; Layers -- Light and Oxygen; Water Hyacinth Community Ecology; Physical Patterns in Rivers; Current Velocity; Shear Stress on the Riverbed; Riverbed Particle Size; Temperature; Dissolved Oxygen; Mineral Nutrients; Biotic Patterns in Rivers; Current; Plants; Invertebrates; Fish; Substratum; Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen; Mineral Nutrients; Biotic Factors; Energy Flow in Rivers; Longitudinal Patterns; Benthos Dynamics in Rivers; Invertebrate Drift; Colonisation Cycles
Zonation and Characte ristics of the Aquatic FaunaBiomass of Aquatic Fauna; Terrestrial Fauna; Birds; Effects of the Fauna on the Vegetation; 3. Other Coastal Ecosystems; Introduction; Beach Vegetation; Pes-caprae Formation; Barringtonia Formation; Productivity; Brackishwater Forrests; Rocky Shores; Coral Reefs; Productivity; 4. Rivers and Lakes; Introduction; Sumatran Rivers and Lakes; Effects of the Catchment Area on Rivers and Lakes; Water Input; Water Chemistry; Biotic Components; Plants; Fungi and Bacteria; Animals; Food Webs; Physical Patterns in Lakes; Lake Kawar and Lake Mardingding
SUMATRA is the focus of a large number of agricultural. social and industrialdevelopments and yet the possible biological impacts of these are largely only guessed at bv local and foreign scientists working on those projects. One reason for this is that the biology of Sumatra and its surrounding islands is poorly known. Another reason is that the information which does exist is spread through a disparate array of Dutch, English, German and Indonesian journals and reports.The Ecology of Sumatra has brought together nearly 1500 references relevantto understanding the Components.