The use of force against Ukraine and international law :
Jus Ad Bellum, Jus In Bello, Jus Post Bellum /
Sergey Sayapin, Evhen Tsybulenko, editors.
Berlin :
Asser Press,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Foreword; Preface; References; Contents; Contributors; Jus ad Bellum; 1 The Legal Nature of States' Obligations Towards Ukraine in the Context of Jus Contra Bellum; 1.1 The Meaning of Jus Contra Bellum in Current International Law; 1.2 Treaties as a Source of Inter Partes Obligations; 1.3 Customary Nature of States' Obligations; 1.4 Jus Cogens Norms and Erga Omnes Obligations; 1.5 General Principles of International Law; 1.6 Unilateral Declarations of States; References.
2 Who Are the "Crimea People" or "People of Crimea"? The Fate of the Crimean Tatars, Russia's Legal Justification for Annexation, and Pandora's Box2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Events of February-March 2014; 2.3 The Crimean Tatars; 2.4 The Crimean Tatars in Independent Ukraine; 2.5 The Status of the Crimean Tatar People; 2.6 The Official (and an Unofficial) Russian Position; 2.7 Russian scholars on Crimea; 2.8 Conclusion; References; 3 An Illegal Territorial Regime? On the Occupation and Annexation of Crimea as a Matter of International Law; 3.1 Introduction.
3.2 'Crimea': The End(s) of Occupation Law3.2.1 Defying Ends; 3.2.2 Category Error; 3.3 Illegal Territorial Regimes: The Operation of the Consequence of Invalidity; 3.3.1 Objective Illegality; 3.3.2 Undercutting Occupation Law?; 3.4 The Illegal Territorial Regime in Crimea; 3.5 Consequences and Costs: The Challenge of Illegal Territorial Regimes; 3.6 Postscript: Regime Design Matters; References; 4 Conferral of Nationality of the Kin State -- Mission Creep?; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Conferral of Nationality: An Absolute Exercise of State Sovereignty.
4.2.1 Methods of Conferral of Nationality Under International Law4.2.2 Russian Practice Relating to Conferral of Nationality; 4.3 Nationality Under International Law: Recognition and Legal Consequences; 4.3.1 Recognition of the Genuine Connection; 4.3.2 Legal Consequences of Nationality; 4.4 Russia's Use of Nationality -- Mission Creep; 4.4.1 The Baltics and Georgia I: Conferral of Russian Nationality; 4.4.2 Georgia II: Use of Force to Protect Nationals Abroad; 4.4.3 Ukraine: Protection of Ethnic Russians; 4.5 Conclusion; References.
5 International Legal Aspects of Russia's War Against Ukraine in Eastern Ukraine5.1 War in Ukraine: Internal or International Armed Conflict?; 5.2 The Issue of Russia's International Legal Responsibility for War Crimes Committed in Eastern Ukraine; 5.3 Subjects of International Legal Responsibility for Crimes Committed by Russia Against Ukraine; References; 6 Separatists or Russian Troops and Local Collaborators? Russian Aggression in Ukraine: The Problem of Definitions; 6.1 Background; 6.2 Defining the Separatists, Russian Troops and Local Collaborators; 6.3 Defining the Conflict.
Written by a team of international lawyers from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, this book analyses some of the most significant aspects of the ongoing armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. As challenging as this conflict is for the international legal order, it also offers lessons to be learned by the States concerned, and by other States alike. The book analyses the application of international law in this conflict, and suggests ways for this law's progressive development. 0It will be useful to practitioners of international law working at national Ministries of Defence, Justice, and Foreign Affairs, as well as in Parliaments, to lawyers of international organizations, and to national and international judges dealing with matters of public international law, international humanitarian law and criminal law. It will also be of interest to scholars and students of international law, and to historians of international relations.
Springer Nature
International criminal law.
International relations.
War (International law)
War crimes-- Ukraine.
Human Rights and Crime .
Human Rights.
International Criminal Law .
International Humanitarian Law, Law of Armed Conflict.
State Crimes.
War Crimes.
Crime & criminology.
Diplomatic relations.
Human rights.
International criminal law.
International criminal law.
International humanitarian law.
International relations.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Government-- International.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- International Relations-- General.