Short cases in clinical exams of internal medicine :
(for PACES, Arab Board, FRACP, FCPS, MD and other national board examinations) /
Wanis Hamad Ibrahim, FRCP (Edin) FRCP (Glasg) FRCP (Ire) FCCP (USA), Senior Consultant Physician, Department of Medicine, Hamad General Hospital, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, Weill-Cornell Medical College, Doha, Qatar ; foreword, RA Malik.
This book provides trainees with a selection of clinical cases in internal medicine with model answers to assist exam preparation. Six key systems are covered--cardiovascular; respiratory; abdominal; neurological; endocrine, rheumatologic, connective tissue and skin; and fundus. Cases are presented in conversation-style between the examiner and candidate to resemble exam conditions. Each case or system is preceded by guidance on patient examination technique to help students recognise important physical signs related to the case. Common mistakes and pitfalls are highlighted at the beginning of each case and mnemonics are included to help trainees recall long lists.