edited by Dennis Kurzon (University of Haifa), Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (University of Vienna).
Philadelphia :
John Benjamins Publishing Company,
1 online resource.
Pragmatics & beyond new series ;
Volume 288
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Legal Pragmatics; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; Introduction; 1. Pragmatics and legal discourse; 2. Spoken discourse; 3. Historical courtroom discourse; 4. The contents; 4.1 Historical pragmatics; 4.2 Pragmatics of legal writing and documents; 4.3 Discourse in the courtroom and in police investigation; 4.4 Legal discourse and multilingualism; References; Part 1. Historical pragmatics; Chapter 1. Pleading for life: Narrative patterns within legal petitions (Salem, 1692)Narrative patterns within legal petitions (Salem, 1692); 1. Introduction.
2. The data3. Language and the legal context; 4. Features of social narratives; 4.1 Voices of belief; 4.2 Community voices; 4.3 Family voices; 5. Petitionary letters in twenty-first century America; 6. Concluding comments; Key to orthography of seventeenth-century English; References; Chapter 2. "How came you not to cry out?": Pragmatic effects of negative questioning in child rape trials in the Old Bailey Proceedings 1730-1798; 1. Introduction; 2. Negative questions and their ideological origins; 2.1 Controlling questions; 2.2 Biased ideologies and rape myths; 3. Data.
2.1 The First Act of Succession, (25 Henry VIII, Cap. 22) -- March 15342.2 The Second Act of Succession, (26 Henry VIII, Cap. 2) -- November 1534; 2.3 The Act of Supremacy (26 Henry VIII Cap. 1) -- November 1534; 2.4 Treasons Act (26 Henry VIII. Cap. 13) -- December 1534; 3. Utterance meaning v. speaker meaning; 4. Heydon's case; 5. The case of Thomas More; 6. Conclusion; References; Appendix; Part ii. Pragmatics of legal writing and documents; Chapter 5. Making legal language clear to legal laypersons; 1. Introduction: The legal sub-language; 2. Thought experiment; 2.1 Revising the text faults.
2.2 Downloading intertextual links2.3 Deriving authoritative answers; 3. Conclusion; References; Law and verdicts; Chapter 6. Interpreting or in legal texts; 1. Introduction; 2. The 'scaffolding'; 2.1 Connectives; 3. Or in European and American courts; 4. Conclusion; References; Part iii. Discourse in the courtroom and in police investigation; Chapter 7. The nature of power and control in the interrogative patterns of selected Nigerian courtroom discourse; 1. Introduction; 1.1 Conceptual and theoretical issues; 1.2 Power and discourse; 2. Courtroom discourse.
3.1 The "bad data" problem3.2 Collecting a sample; 4. Analysing the corpus -- patterns of meaning and powerful repertoires of practice; 5. Conclusion; References; Chapter 3. Implicatures in Early Modern English courtroom records; 1. Introduction; 2. The analysis; 2.1 The trial of Charles I (1649); 2.2 The trial of Titus Oates; 2.3 The trial of Lady Alice Lisle; 3. Final remarks; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; Chapter 4. Literal interpretation and political expediency: The case of Thomas More; 1. Introduction; 2. The four statutes.
"The volume Legal Pragmatics is a contribution to the interface between language and law. It looks at how the principles of language use can be beneficial to clarifying legal issues, its twelve chapters (together with the Introduction) offering a wide spectrum of the latest approaches to the area of legal pragmatics. The four chapters in the first section are devoted to historical pragmatics and take a diachronic look at old courtroom records. Written legal language is also the focus of the four chapters in the next section, dealing with the pragmatics of modern legal writing. The chapters in the third section, devoted to modern legal language, touch upon both the discourse in the courtroom and in police investigation. Finally, the two chapters in the last section on legal discourse and multilingualism address a topic very relevant to the modern era of globalisation -- the position of legal discourse in multilingual contexts."--