Researching writing with observational logging tools from 2006 to the present / Eva Lindgren, Yvonne Knospe, Kirk P.H. Sullivan -- Combining keystroke logging with other methods: towards an experimental environment for writing process research / Asa Wengelin, Johan Frid, Roger Johansson, Victoria Johansson -- Using Handspy to study writing in real time: a comparison between low- and high-quality texts in grade 2 / Rui A. Alves, Jose Paulo Leal, Teresa Limpo -- Analysing keystroke logging data from a linguistic perspective / Marielle Leijten, Eric Van Horenbeeck, Luuk Van Waes -- Writing and rewriting: the coloured numerical visualization of keystroke logging / Helene-Sarah Becotte, Gilles Caporossi, Alain Hertz, Christophe Leblay -- Empowering automated writing evaluation with keystroke logging / Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen -- Progression analysis: working with large data corpora in field research on writing / Daniel Perrin -- A tutorial introduction to recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) for keystroke logging data / Sebastian Wallot, Joachim Grabowski -- Fluency in L1 and Fl writing: an analysis of planning, essay writing and final revision / Esther Odilia Breuer -- The effect of L2 proficiency level on composing processes of EFL learners: data from keystroke loggings, think alouds and questionnaires / Gulay Tiryakioglu, Elke Peters, Lieven Verschaffel -- Metaphorical language in second language learners' texts: additional baggage of the writing journey? / Ha Hoang -- Observing writing and website browsing: Swedish students write L3 German / Yvonne Knospe, Kirk PH Sullivan, Anita Malmqvist, Ingela Valfridsson -- Using keystroke logging to capture the impact of cognitive complexity and typing fluency on written language production / Michelle Aldridge, Lise Fontaine -- Aligning keystrokes with cognitive processes in writing / David Galbraith, Veerle M. Baaijen -- Anticipation of audience during writing / Markus Linnemann -- Revising at the leading edge: shaping ideas or clearing up noise / Eva Lindgren, Asbjorg Westum, Hanna Outakoski, Kirk PH Sullivan.
"Observing Writing: Insights from Keystroke Logging and Handwriting is a timely volume appearing twelve years after the Studies in Writing volume Computer Keystroke Logging and Writing (Sullivan & Lindgren, 2006). The 2006 volume provided the reader with a fundamental account of keystroke logging, a methodology in which a piece of software records every keystroke, cursor and mouse movement a writer undertakes during a writing session. This new volume highlights current theoretical and applied research questions in keystroke logging and handwriting research that observes writing. In this volume, contributors from a range of disciplines, including linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, modern languages, and education, present their research that considers the cognitive and socio-cultural complexities of writing texts in academic and professional settings"--
Observing writing.
Electronic data processing-- Keyboarding-- Research.